Academic Style – some guidelines
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Academic style covers a wide range of factors: it relates to your choice of vocabulary, the sentence structure you use, the way you link your ideas together both within a paragraph, and through different parts of your essay.


To assess your effectiveness as a writer, consider whether your writing:

1. Conveys your message with clarity, emphasis, precision, and style.

2. Uses variety in sentence structure for good stylistic effect.

3. Provides organized, coherent, logical, insightful development of the subject.

4. Supports your main points with specific, detailed, compelling examples and illustrations.

5. You commit no significant errors in grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation.

6. Avoid noun strings.

7. Avoid unclear pronoun reference.

8. Use parallel constructions.

9. Construct your paragraphs according to the basic principles of academic writing.

10. Use transition words and phrases appropriately.



When you write your project, you have know about academic style - they are:

1. Don’t be wordy and complex. Express meaning directly and in as few words as possible to get your meaning across. Reduce unnecessary words.

2. Use clear and direct writing to convey your meaning.

3. Try to use active voice whenever you can.

4. Start with a substantive subject. “There” or “it” + a form of the verb “to be” often gives you a “round-about” sentence structure with too many words.

5. Avoid nominalizations.


Reasons for referencing а source

Тhеrе аrе two different aspects to acknowledging а source.

- In-text references: within уоur essay. Rеfеr to the author bу surname and the date of publication.

- Bibliography оr list of references: list your referencesat the end of уоur essay, giving detailed information for each source.

Ways of referring to а source

- Paraphrasing: Retelling what the writer said in уоur own wоrds.

- Summarizing: identifying the point you want to make from уоur source and writing it in уоur own words. Whereas а paraphrase will include all the detail, а Summary will bе shоrtеr and will include оnlу the key information.

Quotation: citing the exact words of the author.

Как анализировать статью :

Step 1

Who is writing the article?

The author of this article is ...

This author wrote on this topic back in . . .

What are the author’s qualifications?

Reliability of sources and accurate conclusions of the article proves that the author is a professor (doctor or researcher) of a university .....

What audience is the author addressing?

This article is addressed to an audience .....

What is the article about?

This is an article about what

What sources does the author use?

When writing an article, the author uses several new and old sources of information, such as (interviews, letters, archival or government documents, books articles).


Step 2 – Determine the Overall Purpose, Structure and Direction of the Article

The main aims of the article are …..

This article consists of an introduction, main part and conclusion of the study.

If you explain the point of view of the author, then .....

The author’s values are….

The articles used information about what….

After this introduction you can understand that…..

In conclusion, the author refers to the results (of other researchers) .....

What is the author’s main point, or thesis?

The meaning of this article is ....

Despite what other scientists said, the author thinks about that .... because he found reference points, such as ....

What evidence has the author used?

The proof of the study is the qualitative and quantitative data that can be seen in the methodology and the result of the analysis. . . .

The author argues his theory through evidence, such as comparative tables, analysis charts and the synthesis of important facts.

The study was limited in the form .....

Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 732.