Before you read the text, match these key terms (1-7), which all refer to types of changes in company structure, with their definitions (a-g). If necessary, consult the glossary
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1 constitutional amendment

2 consolidation

3 acquisition of controlling shares

4 voluntary liquidation

5 merger

6 sale of substantially all assets

7 compulsory winding-up

a the liquidation of a company after a petition to the court, usually by a creditor

b the combining of two companies to form an entirely new company

с liquidation proceedings that are supported by a company's shareholders

d a change in a company's name, capital or objects

e the purchase of shares owned by shareholders who have a controlling interest

f the acquisition of one company by another, resulting in the survival of one of them and dissolution of the other

g a form of acquisition whereby all or almost all assets and liabilities of a company are sold


At some point in the life of a company, the owners may wish to make fundamental changes to the company. Some of these changes may merely be basically administrative, such as changing the company's name. Other changes may entail alteration of the company's structure. These changes sometimes place the rights of creditors and minority shareholders at risk and are thus subject to special statutory regulation. The main examples of the types of alterations which fall into this group are constitutional amendments, mergers, consolidations, sale of substantially all assets, acquisition of controlling shares and liquidation.

The most common constitutional alterations in a company include alteration of the company's name, capital or objects. According to English law, a change of name can be made by special resolution in a general meeting, or all the members must sign a written resolution that the name of the company be changed to the new name. A signed copy of the resolution containing the new name must then be submitted to the Registrar of Companies. If the submission is in order, Companies House will issue a Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name. A company may alter its capital structure, provided that the articles of association grant such power. Such an alteration might entail such things as an increase in share capital, a consolidation or division of shares, a subdivision of shares or a cancellation of shares, company may only reduce its share capital following court confirmation. A company may alter its objects clause by special resolution. However, the court may at its discretion set aside such a resolution upon application by a small group of minority shareholders.

A merger takes place when one company is absorbed into another company. Where company X is merged into company Y, company Y is the acquiring company and survives, while company X is the acquired company and disappears. In a consolidation, both company X and company Y disappear and a new company Z is formed.

A company may also gain control of another company by purchasing substantially all of the other company's assets. At common law, a sale of this kind normally required unanimous shareholder approval. However, today such sales may take place upon approval by some majority of the shareholders. Acquisition of shares is another method of gaining control of another company. This is achieved by purchasing all or the controlling portion of outstanding shares in a company. Many times this is achieved through a takeover bid1, whereby company Y (the acquiring company or acquirer) makes a public invitation to shareholders of company X (the acquired company or target) to sell their stock, generally at a price above the market price. There can be hostile takeovers and friendly takeovers. In the former, the takeover is opposed by the target company's management, while in the latter the action is supported by management. Various regulations apply largely to protect the target company shareholders.

Finally, winding-up or liquidation of a company is the process by which the life of a company is brought to an end. Compulsory winding-up2 is ordered by the court when the company is insolvent. However, a voluntary liquidation3 refers to a process which may be instigated by the members of the company where the company is solvent.

1(US) tender offer

2(US) involuntary bankruptcy

3(US) also dissolution or winding-up


Key terms: Opposing concepts in company law

Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 304.