1. John … speak three languages.
a) can, b) may, c) not can
2. I’m sorry. I’m late. … I come in?
a) Can’t, b) Must, c) May
3. You are leaving college soon. You … think about your future.
a) may, b) mustn’t, c) must
4. It is foggy. The plane … take off.
a) can’t, b) can, c) must
V . Укажите предложения, в которых слова с буквой - s на конце являются а) существительными во множественном числе, б) существительными в притяжательном падеже, в) глаголами в 3-ем лице единственного числа в Present Simple . Подчеркните эти слова.
существительные во множественном числе | существительные в притяжательном падеже | глаголы в 3-ем лице единственного числа в Present Simple |
1. Harry wears glasses. 2. | 1. Harry wears glasses. |
1. Harry wears glasses.
2. This is Ann’s cat.
3. His parents live in Boston.
4. My friend likes apples very much.
5. These schools don’t charge fees.
6. Father usually gets up early.
7. Jane’s mother plays the piano very well.
8. I don’t know your friends’ address.
Прочитайте и устно переведите текст.
1. Most universities in the United Kingdom can be classified into 6 main categories:
· Ancient universities – universities founded before the 19th century;
· The University of London and Durham University founded in the early 19th century prior to the Red Bricks;
· Red Brick universities – universities which were chartered in the late 19th and early 20th centuries;
· Plate Glass Universities chartered in the 1960s which were known as "New Universities" when first created;
· The Open University, founded in 1968 is Britain's sole mainly distance-learning University;
· New Universities – created in or after 1992 often called Post-1992 universities, from polytechnics and colleges of Higher Education.
2. Students normally enter University when they are 18 and over and study for an Academic Degree. Applications, which may be made on-line, must be made by 15 October of the previous year for Oxford and Cambridge (and medicine, dentistry and veterinary science courses) and by 31 January of the same year for admissions to other UK universities. Higher education includes teaching, research and social activities of universities; and within the sphere of teaching, it includes two levels: undergraduate and graduate (or postgraduate).
There are two types of higher education in the UK: general and vocational. The general higher education and training that takes place in a university or college is usually theoretically inclined. In contrast, the vocational higher education and training that takes place at vocational universities and schools usually concentrates on both practice and applied theory.
The typical first degree offered at British universities is the Bachelor's degree (usually three or four years). Before taking it students are known as undergraduates. Those who have completed a first degree can undertake a postgraduate degree, which includes: Master's degree (typically taken in one year) and Doctorate degree (typically taken in three years). While the length of the undergraduate degree course has been shortened to three or four years, the University of Oxford still requires seven years to pass before the awarding of the M.A. The universities of Cambridge and Dublin have similar systems.
5. The majority of British universities are state financed, with only one private university – the University of Buckingham – where the government does not subsidize the tuition fees. English undergraduate students have to pay university fees up to a maximum of £3,125 capped (for 2008/9). A state-provided loan is available which may only be used for tuition fee costs. Students can apply for state-provided loans to pay for living costs, a portion of which is also means-tested. A new grant is also available, which is means-tested and offers up to £2,700 a year.
Задания к тексту
I . Укажите предложения, которые соответствуют ( Yes ) и не соответствуют ( No ) содержанию текста.
Example: 1. This text is about the United Kingdom.
1. No.
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 197.