Roger: Where’s your key?
Diana: What do you mean? You’ve got a key, haven’t you?
Roger: (1) If I ___ (get) mine, I ___ (not need) yours, would I?
Diana: No, I haven’t got mine.
Roger: But I told you to bring it.
Diana: No, you didn’t.
Roger: Yes, I did. (2) If you ___ (listen), you ___ (hear) me.
Diana: Well, I don’t remember you telling me. Anyway, I couldn’t find it.
Roger: You mean, you’ve lost it again?
Diana: Not really. It’s at home somewhere. (3) I ___ (have) time to look for if we ___ (not leave) in such a hurry.
Roger: That’s not the point. (4) If you ___ (be) more organized, you ___ (not keep on) losing it in the first place!
Diana: That’s not fair. I don’t keep on losing it. Anyway, what are you going to do now? We haven’t got a key.
Roger: I don’t know. I suppose we’ll have to break a window.
Diana: You can’t do that! (5) If the neighbours ___ (hear) you, they ___ (think) we’re burglars!
Roger: All right then! There’s a small window open in the bathroom. (6) If you ___ (stand) on my shoulders, you ___ (be) able to reach and then you can climb in.
Diana: I’m not going to stand on your shoulders. I might fall off!
Roger: Don’t be silly! (7) If I ___ (hold) your legs, you ___ (be) quite safe.
Diana: I still don’t like it!
Roger: Look! (8) I ___ (climb) in myself, if I ___ (can) get through the window, but I can’t. I’m too big. You’ll have to do it.
Diana: (9) But if someone ___ (see) me, they ___ (call) the police!
Roger: For goodness sake! (10) It ___ (make) things a lot easier if you ___ (not worry) about other people! Now, are you ready?
Diana: O.K.
Roger: All right?
Diana: (11) If you ___ (move) a bit closer, I ___ (be) able to reach. Oh! Not so fast! Roger! Oh!!
Roger: Now look what you’ve done! You’ve put your foot through the window!
Diana: Roger! There’s something I’ve got to tell you!
Roger: Honestly, can’t you do anything right? (12) If you ___ (not be) so careless, you ___ (not break) it!
Diana: Roger, listen! I hate to tell you, but this isn’t our house!
11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form .
Norma isn’t happy with her life. If she (1) ___ (listen) to her mother’s advice, she (2) ___ (stay) at school and gone on to University. She (3) ____ (can/find) a good job if she had got a degree. Norma hates the job she is doing now. She thinks she (4) ___ (go) crazy if she (5) ___ (stay) there much longer. If she (6) ___ (be) offered another job, she would take immediately. In fact, she (7) ___ (leave) if she (8) ___ (can) afford to, but she can’t. Life (9) ___ (be) easier if she (10) ___ (not/have) two children to support.
12. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form.
Having a Wonderful Time! Wish You Were Here!
While trying to sail round the world in a small boat, Harry Sandy and Joe were shipwrecked one night. “I wish there (1) (be) ___ was/were an island nearby”, Harry said. By morning, they were washed up on to a desert island. For six months they lived on fish, nuts and fruit. One day they saw a bottle on the shore. “If only it (2) ___ (contain) a note or something!” Sandy said. They opened it and a genie appeared. “It’s high time someone (3) ___ (open) that bottle!” the genie gasped. “I’m so grateful, I’ll give you one wish each. You first”, the genie said, pointing to Harry. “That’s easy”, Harry said. “I wish I (4) ___ (be) with my family?. And (whoosh!)he disappeared. “He too”, Sandy said. “If only I (5) ___ (can be) in dear old Glasgow”. And (whoosh!) off he went. “And you, sir?” the genie asked Joe. “I wish I (6) ___ (have) my friends back!” Joe said.
13. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form.
Harry and Sheila, a husband and wife, are talking.
H. Shall I make the children something to eat?
S. I wouldn’t bother. You know how much they eat when they visit their grandparents.
H. That’s true. If they (1) ___ (eat) all afternoon, they (2) ___ (not want) anything when they get home.
S. Are we going to pick them up soon?
H. No, my parents are bringing them over. We agreed that if I (3) ___ (take) them there, they (4) ___ (bring) them back.
S. Oh good. Well, if we (5) ___ (not collect) them, I (6) ___ (go back) upstairs and do a bit more work. I’ve nearly finished that report now. If I (7) ___ (do) another half hour’s work, I (8) ___ (finish) it by the time the children get home.
H. Why do you always have to bring work home with you? If you (9) ___ (not agree) to take on that new job, you (10) ___ (have) much more free time now.
S. Yes, and if I (11) ___ (not take on) that job, we (12) ___ (not have) much money now.
H. That’s true, but I don’t like you working so much.
S. Well, never mind. We’ve got a week’s holiday soon. Just think! In two week’s time we (13) ___ (lie) on a warm sunny beach that’s if I (14) ___ (can get) the time off work of course.
H. What do you mean ‘if’?
S. Well, everything’s very busy at the moment. And if we (15) ___ (get) any more orders, I just (16) ___ (not see) how I can leave the office.
H. What? But that’s ridiculous!
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 437.