Благодаря, из-за
Благодаря тому, что
Вдумчивый, глубокий
(быть) взаимосвязанным
Вследствие (в результате)
Выявлять (причину, суть)
Говорить (свидетельствовать)
Давать (представлять)
Давать (создавать, производить)
Детально, подробно
Делать заключение (вывод)
Должное внимание
Допускать, позволять
Заключать (делать заключение)
Заключать (приходить к заключению, выводу)
Vary, change with
Eliminate (error)
Be aplicable
On the basis of
Deal with
Brief, short
Exept (for)
при концентрации at the concentration (of)
косвенный indirect
краткий brief, short
кроме (за исключением) except (for) (of) with the exception
лучше (всего), наиболее best, most
ляпсус, описка lapse
метод, методика method, techmque, approach
метод проб и ошибок hit-andmiss method
многообещающий promising, perspective
можно отметить it may be noted (that)
можно утаерждать it may be stated (that)
монография monograph
мочь can
надежный reliable
надлежащий proper, appropriate
напряжение voltage
при напряжении at the voltage (of)
научная статья paper
находить find
небольшой some, slight
недавно, за последнее время recently, lately
недорогой inexpensive, cheap
недостаток (недочет) drawback, disadvantage
недостатки shortcomings, disadvantages '
недостаточный (плохой) poor
некоторый (небольшой) some, certain, slight
немного (слегка) slightly, somewhat
необходимо (нужно) it is necessary
(быть) необходимым need
неоценимый invaluable
непростительный unpardonable
несоответствующий, неточный,
неотвечающий требованиям inadequate
нестандартный unconventional.
неточный crude
никоим образом (никак не) in no way+inf.
новый (новейший) recent, latest
обзор, охват, понимание grasp
обзор (анализ) survey
облегчать facilitate
обобщенный generalized
обозрение review
оборудование equipment
оборудование (все, что облегчает работу) facility
обрабатывать treat
обсуждать discuss
обусловливаться be due to
обширный extensive
общепринятый (метод) (a method) generally (universally) used
общеупотребительный universal
общий general
объем, охват coverage
объяснять explain
... трудно (легко, просто) объяснить ...is difficult (hard, easy) to explain
обычно commonly, ordinarily
обычный (общепринятый) usual, conventional
ограничение limitation
ожидаемый expected
ожидать (на основании ч.-либо) expect (from)
ожидать (предполагать) presume
окончательный final
операция procedure
опечатка misprint
описка mis-spell
описывать describe
описывать (в общих чертах) outline
определенный certain
определять determine
определять (оценивать) evaluate
определяться be governed
опубликование, издание publication
оригинальный, самостоятельный, первый original
освещение illumination
основа, обоснование foundation
(на) основе (на основании) in terms of основной fundamental основной (главный) main, chief, basic, principal
основывать (на) base (on, upon)
особенность particularity
особенно (исключительно) especially, particularly, specially, specifically
особо (подчеркивается) with special attention to..., with particular emphasis on...
особый particular, special, specific
отличаться (от) differ (from)
отличный (от) different from
относить за счет attribute to
относиться be related to, be connected with
относиться (к) refer (to)
отношение к\между r relationship to/between
отражать reflect
отсутствие absence
в отсутствие in the absence (of)
оценивать, подсчитывать estimate
очевидный obious, distinct
ошибка mistake
научное заблуждение error
ошибочный erroneous
первостепенный primary
переработка, изменение revision
перспективный perspective
погрешность (ошибка), заблуждение error
поддерживать support
подзаголовок subheading
подробно thoroughly
подробный detailed
подсчитывать, рассчитывать
(с помощью вычислительной техники) compute
подтверждать confirm, verify
подход, прием, процедура approach, procedure, technique, method подходящий (соответствующий) appropriate
позволять allow, permit
показывать indicate, demonstrate, show, illustrate показывать (обнаруживать, проявлять) show, reveal, exhibit
полезный useful (of use) helpful
полностью fully
полный full, complete, exellent
полный, исчерпывающий comprehensive
получать obtain
полученный (выведенный из) inferred from
помимо, кроме besides, in addition to
помнить keep (bear) in mind
поправка (на...) correction (for)
попытка attempt
пытаться make an attempt
посвящать devote
потому что resulting from (the fact that), because
походить (быть похожим) resemble, be like (alike), be similar, be analogous (to), be identical (with)
похожий (одинаковый) similar, analogous
правильный (хорошо обоснованный) valid
предварительный preliminary
предлагать propose, suggest
вносить предложение make a suggestion
предлагать исходя из (на основании) suggest from
предположение assumption
предпринимать undertake
представлять (материал) give, present
представлять (собой) constitute
прежде formerly, previously
прежний former
преимущества advantages
прибор device
прибор (измерительный) instrument
приводить (к) (давать в результате) lead to, give rise to, arise
приводить к заключению (выводу) lead to a conclusion, make it possible to conclude (that)
приветствовать welcome
нужно всячески (горячо) приветствовать it is to be warmly welcomed
пригодный adequate
применение application
применять (использовать) use, employ, apply (to), utilize, adopt, find use (application)
приписывать ascribe to
присутствие presence
в присутствии in the presence (of)
причина reason
основная причина the main reason
проблема, вопрос problem
проверять check, test, verify
проводить (делать, ставить) carry out
проектировать design
производить (возбуждать) produce, generate, induce, result in
производить (обеспечивать, создавать) create, yield, generate
проистекать, происходить из arise from, result from
проницательный, критический intellegent
пропуск omission, gap
простой simple
противоположный (альтернативный) alternative
противоречить contradict
противоречивый contradictory, ambiguous
прямой direct, straightforward
раздел section
разительный great, striking
разнообразие, множество a great variety
разнообразный various
разносторонний, применимый
(в разных случаях) versatile
разный (разнообразный) different, various
разочаровывающий, вызывающий
разочарование disappointing
разрабатывать develop
разрешать permit, allow
ранее earlier, formely, previously
располагать, классифицировать arrange
распространять (нa) extend (to)
рассматривать consider
рассматривать, обсуждать discuss, explore, handle
рассматриваемый, рецензируемый under review
расхождение discrepancy, disagreement
расходиться (не соответствовать) disagree with, be in disagreement
редкий (малое количество) scarce
результат result
быть результатом (быть обусловленным) be due to result in
в результате as a result
рекомендовать recommend
можно с уверенностью рекомендовать it can be highly recommended
рецензируемая книга the book under review
решать solve рисунки,
пояснения illustrations
свидетельствовать witness
свойство property
связывать с relate to
(быть) связанным be associated with
связь (между) relation of…and…relation between.and сейчас, теперь at present
серьезный serious, severe
сильно (во многом) greatly, largely
скорость speed
со скоростью at the speed (of)
следовательно (таким образом) thus, therefore, consequently
следовать (за), сопровождаться follow, be followed
сложный complicated
случайный incidental
собирать assemble, collect
совершенно (совсем) radically, absolutely
современный up-to-date, modern
совпадение (подгонка) fit
годиться, подходить be fit
согласие (соответствие) match
совпадает (идет к ч.-либо) it matches
содержание content
содержать, включать contain
сожалеть regret
(к) сожалению regretfully, unfortunately
остается пожалеть it is to be regretted
создавать create
соображение, выводы considerations
сообщать report
сооружение construction
соответствие (согласие) agreement, correlation
согласовываться, соответствовать be in agreement (with)
соответствующий appropriate, adequate, proper
сопоставлять (сравнивать) compare...(with), ...make (give) a
сочетать combine
список (литературы) list of literature
справедливый (обоснованный), годный valid
сравнение comparison
ссылаться (на), отсылать (be) referred (to)
ссылки references
статья paper (научная), article
строгий (точный) rigorous
строить construct
суммировать sum up
теория theory
технология technology, technique
типичный typical
быть типичным (для) be typical of
толковать (интерпретировать) interpret
том volume
точный exact, accurate, adequate
трудный difficult
тщательно accurately
тщательно разработанный elaborate
тщательный careful, thorough
убедительный convincing
удобный convenient
удовлетворительный satisfactory
узкий (малый, ограниченный) limited
уменьшать reduce, minimize (an error)
упоминать mention
упущение omission
уровень level
на высоком уровне at the high level
усовершенствованный improved
успех success
успешный successful
устанавливать establish
установка set up
устанавливать связь establish relation
устаревший outdated
учитывать consider
учитывая (согласно) according to
факт fact, as a fact
функция function
(как) функция, в зависимости от as a function of
характеризоваться (отличаться) be characterized (by)
характерная черта characteristic, feature
характерный specific, characteristic
хорошо (достаточно хорошо) well (fairly well)
хороший (отличный) excellent
ценный valuble
иметь значение be of (great) value
частота frequency
при (на) частоте at the frequency (of)
часть (раздел) part
черта (признак) feature
четкий clear
чувствительный sensitive
широкий wide
в большом масштабе at the scope of
эксперимент experiment
эффективный (действенный) effective
Useful Phrases
The text provides information on…
The author defines the phenomenon of …
An attempt is made to …
The text points out that …
The extract claims that …
A careful account is given to ...
The author claims that ...
The main idea of X XX investigation is ..
. The author points out that …
The most important point is …
The text suggests the problem of …
The text covers such points as …
Attention is given to …
It is pointed out that …
The text reports on
The text gives a detailed description of …
Attention is also given to
The passage describes …
The main idea of the passage is
The passage provides information on …
to do/ to conduct research
to make contribution to
to study/ to investigate/ to make studies
to put forward an idea
to suggest a theory/ a hypothesis
to develop/ to modify a theory
to predict/ to forecast/ to foresee
to accumulate knowledge
a new area of research
latest/ recent achievements/ developments
a (an) outstanding/ prominent/ world-known scientist/ researcher
Answer the questions:
1. What is the sphere of your research?
2. What particular research are you going to conduct?
3. What do you study?
4. Do you have any hypothesis for your research?
5. What are the latest achievements in your sphere of science?
6. Can you name some outstanding scientists in your field of research? What contribution have they made?
7. What further developments can you predict in your sphere of research?
Speak about your sphere of research.
Work in pairs: ask for and give information on your field of science and research.
Problem of the research
Vocabulary to use
to be interested in
to arise from
to be the subject of special/ particular interest
to be studied comprehensively/ thoroughly/ extensively
to take up the problem
to work on the problem
to follow/ to stick to the theory/ hypothesis/ concept
to differ/ to be different from
to be only outlined
to be concerned with/ to be engaged in the problem
to deal with/ to consider the problem
to be of great/ no interest
a lot of/ no literature is available on the problem
the reason for the interest in the problem is …
Answer the questions:
1. What is your research problem?
2. What is the subject of your research?
3. Why are you interested in this problem?
4. Do you follow any hypothesis? What is it?
5. In what way does your research differ from other studies of the same problem?
6. Is there much literature available on your research problem?
7. Has the problem been studied comprehensively in literature?
8. What are the main aspects of the problem that have been considered?
Speak about your research problem.
Work in pairs: ask for and give information on your research problem.
Historical background of research problem
Vocabulary to use
the first studies/ investigations on the problem
to pay attention to
to observe/ to consider
to be the first/ to pioneer/ to initiate
to go back to
at that time/ in that period
by that time
since that time
recently/ lately
in the 1990s/ throughout the 90s
from 1990 to 2000
to find/ to discover
to explain/ to account for
to confirm/ to support
to believe/ to think
to be poorly/ well understood
to require further study
to stimulate interest in
to lay the foundation for
Answer the questions:
1. Who was the first to recognize your research problem?
2. What aspects of the problem did researchers concentrate on at that time?
3. What aspects of the problem have been considered recently?
4. Has the problem been widely studied?
5. Is the problem well understood at present?
6. What aspects of the problem still remain unsolved?
Speak about the history background of your research problem.
Work in pairs: ask for and give information on the historical background of the research problems under study.
Current research: purpose and methods
Vocabulary to use
purpose/ aim/ target
method/ procedure
assumption/ consideration/ generalization
advantages/ disadvantages
accurate/ precise
valuable/ useful/ reliable
data/ results/ method
to make an experiment/ analysis
to reveal/ to find/ to confirm/ to prove evidence
to study/ to examine
to collect data
to improve
to work out/ to develop
to check
to use/ to employ
to provide
to come into use
Answer the questions:
1. What is the purpose of your research?
2. What is the subject of your research?
3. What method do you employ? Why?
4. What are the advantages of your method?
5. Do you find the method reliable? Why?
6. How long has your current research been under way?
7. How much time will it take you to complete your research successfully?
Speak about the purpose of your research and methods you use.
Work in pairs: ask for and give information about your current research, namely its purpose and the methods you employ.
Results and conclusion of the current research
Vocabulary to use
comprehensive/ extensive
results/ data/ evidence
remarkable/ convincing
sufficient/ insufficient
to collect/ to obtain/ to get/ to receive data
to treat/ to deal with the problem
to make progress in/ to succeed in
to fail (in)
to coincide
to agree with/ to fit the assumption
to support/ to provide support/ in support of
to come to an understanding
to conclude
to come to/ to make conclusions
Answer the questions:
1. Have you already received any research results?
2. What are the main results of your current research?
3. Have you succeeded in obtaining extensive data?
4. Do your results coincide with the theory you follow?
5. Are the results of purely theoretical or practical interest?
6. Are the data you have collected sufficient to formulate your final conclusions?
7. What part of your research remains still unfinished?
8. What conclusions have you come to?
9. How long will it take you to finish your research?
Speak about the results of your research and conclusions you have made.
Work in pairs: ask for and give information about the results and conclusions of your current research.
Presenting a paper
Vocabulary to use
to present a paper
to do research
to discuss in detail
to begin/ finish with
to point out
in contrast with
to explain
to come to a conclusion
Speech patterns
I’m greatly honoured to be invited to this conference.
In this paper/ report I’d like to talk about …
First of all I would like to …
The subject that I will discuss is …
It should be pointed out that …
Let me give you my explanation of …
On the one hand …, on the other hand …
I agree that …
I object to …
In connection with … I would like to add …
In addition, I’d like to …
I would like to draw your attention to …
The paper raises an important question …
These results/ data are of great interest.
As far as I know …
I have a point to make.
What I think is …
In conclusion, let me say …
Summing up, I would like to …
The last part of my talk will be devoted to …
Answer the questions:
1. What is the topic of the paper you are going to present?
2. Why are you interested in this particular topic?
3. Do you always prepare for presentations? In what way?
4. What recommendations would you give for making oral presentations?
Speak about the conference you’ve taken part: how did you prepare for it, what was the topic of your report, how did you make it?
Act out the situation: you are to present your research problem. Speak about the methods, results and conclusions. The time limit is 5 minutes. Make your presentation.
Taking part in the conference
Vocabulary to use
a meeting/ a session
a plenary meeting
a chairman/ a chairwoman/ a chairperson
to give the floor to someone
to fix the time limit
to break the time limit
to call attention to the time limit
to stimulate discussions
to ask somebody a question
to call for questions
a speaker
to take part in/ to participate/ to attend a conference
to submit abstracts/ to present papers
to take the floor
to digress from the subject
Answer the questions:
1. Have you ever participated in international conferences?
2. When did you last take part in a conference?
3. What problems were considered?
4. How many participants attended the conference?
5. Which reports attracted general attention?
6. Whose report was of particular interest?
7. What problem did it deal with?
8. Did you present a paper at the conference?
9. Why is it necessary for a scientist to know foreign languages?
Work in pairs:
Tell your partner about the experience of attending a conference
Chairing a Conference
Vocabulary to use
to welcome
to consider such subjects as
to chair the session
an agenda
a scientific program
to schedule
to cancel
a panel session
a working group session
a stimulating discussion
Speech patterns
I have a great pleasure to introduce …
Our first guest will speak on …
I now give the floor to …
Please feel free to ask questions and make comments.
Are there any questions?
I’d like to thank you all for a stimulating discussion.
All the topics seem to have been exhausted.
Our time is up. The discussion is closed.
I think we have done a good job. Thank you all.
Answer the questions:
1. Have you ever had an opportunity to chair a meeting?
2. What were your feelings?
3. How many speakers took part in the meeting?
4. What topics were on the agenda?
5. Were there any questions and comments?
6. Was the discussion stimulating?
Work in pairs:
Tell your partner about the experience of chairing a meeting.
Act out the situation: You are a chairman opening a Students’ Scientific Conference. You are given 5 minutes to do it.
Таблица неправильных глаголов
beat beat beat become became become begin began begun blow blew blown break broke broken bring brought brought buy bought bought catch caught caught choose chose chosen come came come draw drawn drawn drink drank drunk eat ate eaten fall fell fallen feel felt felt find found found forget forgot forgotten get got got go went gone hear heard heard hold held held keep kept kept know knew known lay laid laid leave left left let let let lie lay lain lose lost lost make made made mean meant meant meet met met pay paid paid | put put put read/ri:d/ read/red/ read/red/ ring rang rung run ran run say said said see saw seen sell sold sold send sent sent set set set show showed shown sing sang sung sit sat sat sleep slept slept speak spoke spoken spend spent spent stand stood stood strike struck struck swim swam swum take took taken teach taught taught tell told told think thought thought throw threw thrown understand understood understood wake woke woken wear wore worn write wrote written |
1. Специальная литература, С-петербург, 1995. - 167 с.
2. Практикум по грамматике английского языка для заочников. /А.П.Грызулина, Л.К.Голубева, Н.М.Пригоровская и др. – М.: Высш.шк., 1992. – 159 с.
3. Методические указания к употреблению инфинитива в английской устной и письменной речи для студентов всех факультетов и специальностей очной и заочной форм обучения./Герасимова Т.В., Кузьмицкая Н.И. – Тюмень, 2000. – 31с.
4. Т.Н.Михельсон, Н.В.Успенская. Как писать по-английски научные статьи, рефераты и рецензии.
Учебное издание
Кононова Татьяна Михайловна
Ситёва Светлана Сергеевна
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