Институт Морских технологий, энергетики и транспорта
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Институт Морских технологий, энергетики и транспорта

Кафедра «Иностранные языки в инженерно-техническом образовании»




Общеобразовательные темы

Методические указания

для студентов 1 курсов

 всех направлений и институтов





Автор: старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки в инженерно-техническом образовании» Айналиева А.Р.

старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки в инженерно-техническом образовании» Кочегарова Н.А..



Рецензент: старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки в инженерно - техническом образовании» Тулепбергенова Д.Ю.



Методические указания предназначены для слушателей программы бакалавриата 1 курса всех технических направлений. Целью данных методических указаний является создание универсального сборника текстов для совершенствования навыков чтения, перевода, говорения, письма у студентов-бакалавров. В методических указаниях предлагаются обязательные общеобразовательные темы в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС3+ по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»: About myself, Our university, The Russian Federation, The Astrakhan region, English-speaking countries (the UK, the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia), Environmental protection, а также дополнительные тексты для чтения.

Данные методические указания содержат языковой материал, включающий аутентичные, научно-популярные тексты, отражающие главные проблемы сегодняшнего дня и рассчитанные на развитие коммуникативных навыков общения по общеразговорным темам, а также дополнительные тексты для самостоятельного изучения.


Представленные методические указания могут использоваться как для аудиторной, так и внеаудиторной работы студентов.




Пособие одобрено и утверждено на заседании кафедры «ИЯИТО» от

«25» марта 2016 г., протокол № 7



© Астраханский государственный технический университет



Introduction                                     Lesson 1. About myself Lesson 2. Our university Lesson 3. The Russian Federation Lesson 4. The Astrakhan region Lesson 5. The UK Lesson 6 The USA Lesson 7 Canada Lesson 8 New Zealand Lesson 9 Australia Lesson 10 Environmental protection Заключение Используемая литература:                           4 5 13 18 23 29 38 47 50 52 54 59 60





Методические указания предназначены для слушателей программы бакалавриата 1 курса всех технических направлений. Целью данных методических указаний является создание универсального сборника текстов для совершенствования навыков чтения, перевода, говорения, письма у студентов-бакалавров.

Данные методические указания предназначены для чтения и развития элементарных навыков устной речи, чтения и перевода текстов на английском языке. Он включает в себя 10 уроков (lessons). Каждый урок сопровождается словарём с незнакомыми выражениями и словами, который подлежит активизации, а также комплексом упражнений, направленных на закрепление и проверку нового лексического материала, овладение навыками перевода и развития устной речи, упражнениями, которые предназначены для самостоятельной работы и тексты для чтения из различных источников в сокращённом, но не в адаптированном варианте без нарушения особенностей стиля языка научно-публицистической статьи.

Представленные методические указания могут быть использованы слушателями программы бакалавриата, как для аудиторной, так и для внеаудиторной работы.


Lesson 1. About myself / Знакомство


Exercise 1: Read and translate the text, learn the active vocabulary:


to take after smb. – быть похожим, пойти в кого-либо из родителей

fair-haired – светловолосый

even-tempered – уравновешенный

to be in a good mood – быть в хорошем настроении

to be deeply attached to smb. – быть сильно привязанным к кому-либо

to get on well – быть в хороших отношениях, ладить друг с другом

good-looking – красивый, миловидный

slim – стройный

experienced – опытный, со стажем

broad-shouldered – широкоплечий

to repair – чинить

to be handy with smth. – уметь делать что-либо, быть искусным в чем-либо

she is good at cooking – она хорошо готовит

she is clever with her hands – у нее умелые руки

to tidy – убирать, приводить в порядок

retired – вышедший на пенсию

to run the house – вести хозяйство

to knit – вязать

joint stock company – акционерная компания

scientist – ученый

twins – близнецы

nursery school – детский сад

on the way home – по пути домой

to justify the hopes of my parents – оправдывать надежды моих родителей

     Exercise 2: Answer the questions:

1. When was Nikita Kuznetsov born?

2. Has he got a family? Is his family large?

3. Does Nikita have much in common with his mother?

4. What is Nikita’s mother? Where does she work?

5. What is Nikita’s father?

6. What is Nikita’s mother good at?

7. Has Nikita got any brothers or sisters?

8. Does Nikita’s sister live in Astrakhan?

9. Does Nikita like to spend his free time with his friends?

10. What sort of things do they do together?


Exercise 3: Find the Russian equivalents for the following English words and word combinations:

To take after his mother; even-tempered; to try to be in a good mood; a lot of relatives; to be deeply attached to one another; to get on very well; a good-looking woman; to look much younger; a computer programmer; an experienced specialist; with fair hair and grey eyes; to repair TV sets; to be handy with many things; hard working people; to take care of her family; to tidy up our flat; retired; to run the house; to be fond of sports; to work in a joint stock company as an accountant; to go to the nursery school; to have a steady girl-friend; to be out of town; on the bank of the river; to skate; to ski; films about adventures; on the way home; to graduate from the University; a well-paid job; to justify the hopes of his parents.


Exercise 4: Insert the missing words from the text:

1. Now I’m a student of the … faculty.

2. I’m fond of reading books about … and I’m fond of sports.

3. I always try to be in a good … .

4. We try to spend Sundays together as a … day.

5. My father knows all about new TV sets and likes to repair … ones.

6. My mother is very good at cooking and she is … with her hands.

7. I have many friends and I have a … girl-friend.                          

8. In winter my friends and I often go to the … .

9. I’ll get a well-paid and interesting … and justify the hopes of my parents.


Exercise 5: Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Я родился 23 марта 1995 года в Москве.

2. В прошлом году я поступил в Технический Университет.

3. Я увлекаюсь спортом, особенно я люблю играть в футбол.

4. Мой старший брат похож на отца, он светловолосый и широкоплечий.

5. У меня очень много родственников в Астрахани, и мы в очень хороших отношениях.

6. Моя мама работает бухгалтером, а мой папа – доктор.

7. Я часто езжу к своей бабушке в Волгоград, которая сейчас на пенсии.

8. Моя младшая сестра часто помогает маме с работой по дому.

9. Мой старший брат не живет с нами, он снимает квартиру.

10. Моя младшая сестра закончит школу через год и станет студенткой нашего университета.

11. Я люблю проводить свободное время со своими друзьями, мы часто ходим в кино.

12. Летом, когда погода хорошая, мы любим ездить за город, лежать на солнце, плавать; зимой, мы часто катаемся на коньках и на лыжах.

13. Я хочу стать хорошим специалистом и найти хорошо-оплачиваемую работу после окончания университета.


About myself

Hello, friends. Let me first introduce myself. My name is Ann or Anya for my friends. My surname or last name is Sokolova. I was born on the 2nd of October in Sochi, Krasnodarsky Krai. This is the most beautiful city in Russia situated on the Black Sea coast. Now I am a first-year student at the Technical Academy. In five years I’ll be an engineer.

Now let me describe my appearance. I am tall and slim and have fair hair and blue eyes. My friends say that I am pretty. I think I am just good-looking. I love sports and music. I was very serious about a career in gymnas­tics when I was in the 5th form. But then I broke my arm and doctors didn’t let me go in for gymnastics. I love to listen to modern music and dance. I dance a lot and I hope I am good at it. I also love swimming. I always swim in the Black sea when I visit my parents, my dear family.

I would like to tell you about my family. There are five people in our family. My father’s name is Vladimir Stepanovich. He is a mathematician by education and businessman by profession. My mother’s name is Tatyana Petrovna. She is a housewife. She has much work about the house because I have a younger sister. She is a schoolgirl. My sister Natasha is in the fifth form. My grandmother, my mother’s mother, lives with us. She is very kind and helps us a lot.

Our family is very friendly, we have many friends. In summer many relatives come to visit us. And, of course, they use a chance to spend several weeks in beautiful Sochi.

In May I have finished school No 5 in Sochi. I did well in all the subjects but my favourite subjects at school were  Physics and Computer Science. I also enjoyed English lessons.

I am very interested in learning English because I always wanted to become a programmer or maybe a businesswoman. I also think that the knowledge of foreign languages helps in everyday life and career.

Two years ago I travelled much around Europe. I have visited France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. There the knowledge of English helped me a lot.



Black Sea coast – побережье Черного моря

a first-year student – студент(ка) первого курса

to describe – описывать

appearance – внешность

career – карьера

to go in for gymnastics – заниматься гимнастикой

mathematician – математик

housewife – домохозяйка

to do well – зд. успевать

the Netherlands – Нидерланды


Exercise 11: Answer the questions:

1. Where and when was Ann Sokolova born?

2. How old is she?

3. Can you describe Ann’s appearance?

4. Has she got a family?

5. How many people are there in her family?

6. Did she study well at school?

7. What school did she finish?

8. What were her favourite subjects at school?

9. What sport did she go in for when she was in the 5th form?

10. What does she want to become?

11. Is Ann interested in learning English? Why is she interested in it?


Exercise 12: Translate the following English words and word combinations into Russian:

To introduce smb.; surname; the most beautiful city; in some years; to describe smb’s appearance; tall and slim; to go in for gymnastics; to be good at smth.; mathematician by education; a housewife; to have much work about the house; to help a lot; to spend several weeks in Sochi; to do well in all the subjects; to be interested in learning English; the knowledge of foreign languages; to travel much around Europe.


Ph.D. degree in economics — кандидат экономических наук

to assign — назначать на должность

to be responsible for smth. — быть ответственным за что-л.

position — положение; должность

to appoint — назначать (на должность), утверждать (в должности)

to promote — выдвигать; продвигать; повышать в чине/звании




to border on – граничить с

highlands – горные возвышенности

desert – пустыня

the Urals – Уральские горы

the Caucasus – Кавказ

moderate – умеренный

ore – руда

ferrous and non-ferrous metals – чёрные и цветные металлы

banner – знамя, флаг

legislative – законодательный

executive – исполнительный

judicial – судебный

Federal Assembly – Федеральное Собрание

the Council of Federation – Совет Федерации

Supreme Court – Верховный суд

foreign policy – международная политика

irrespective of – независимо от


Exercise 2. Answer the following questions:

1. Is Russia the largest country in the world?

2. What oceans wash the borders of the Russian Federa­tion?

3. How many countries have borders with Russia?

4. Are Russian flora and fauna various?

5. What are the highest mountains in Russia?

6. What is Baikal famous for?

7. What is the climate in Russia like?

8. What is the national symbol of Russia?

9. What can you say about the Russian economy?

10. What does the Federal Assembly consist of?

11.Who is the head of each Chamber of the Federal Assembly?


Exercise 3. Insert the prepositions:


1. The country is washed … 12 seas.

2. … the south Russia borders … China and Mongolia.

3. It also has a sea – border … the USA.

4. The Urals separates Europe … Asia.

5. The Volga flows … the Caspian sea.

6. The Yenisei and the Lena flow … the south … the north.

7. Russia is rich … beautiful lakes.

8. If you look down you can count the stones … the bottom.

9. There are various types … climate: … arctic … subtropical.

10. The Russian Federation is headed … the President.

11. The country government consists … three branches.

12. The legislative power belongs … the Federal Assembly.


The Astrakhan Region

The Astrakhan Region is located in the South-West part of Russia in the lower reaches of the Volga River and the North coast of the Caspian Sea. In the west the Region borders on the Kalmykia republic, in the north on the Volgograd region, in the east on the republic of Kazakhstan, in the south it is washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. Its area is 44,1 thousand square kilometres.

The Region has 11 administrative Areas. There are 5 cities and towns, 13 townships and 140 rural settlements in the Region.

Astrakhan is a city in southern Russia and the administrative center of Astrakhan region. The city lies on two banks of the Volga River, close to where it discharges into the Caspian Sea at an altitude of 28 meters (92 ft) below sea level. As of the 2010 Census, its population was 520,339. It is a major industrial and cultural center, a sea and river port. It is also a major transport junction linking Russia, to Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Northern Caucasus and Iran (via the Caspian Sea).

Natural conditions of the Region are mainly determined by the joint influence of the Delta rivers and the Caspian Sea. A large number of sunny days during the year and the neighbouring steppes of Kalmykia and Kazakhstan make the climate of the Region continental despite the proximity of the sea. Three climatic zones can be singled out in the Region territory: zone of hot and dry semi-desert climate, zone of extremely dry and hot desert climate, zone of moderate intermediate climate in the Volga River delta. Astrakhan features a temperate continental "Aralian" semi-arid climate with cold winters and hot summers. Astrakhan is one of the driest cities in Europe. Rainfall is scarce but relatively evenly distributed throughout the course of the year with, however, more precipitation (58%) in the hot season (six hottest months of the year), which determines the "Aralian" type.

It is this even distribution of rainfall and the relatively low annual temperature that causes the city to fall under this climate category as opposed to an arid climate.

Winters tend to be cold in the city, though by Russian standards, Astrakhan features relatively balmy winters. Summers in the city can be hot, with high temperatures in excess of +40 °C (104 °F). The mean annual temperature amplitude (difference between the mean monthly temperatures of the hottest and coldest months) is thus equal to 29.2 °C (52.6 °F) (+25.6 °C (78.1 °F) in July and −3.6 °C (25.5 °F) in January), so the climate is truly continental (amplitudes superior or equal to 21 °C (38 °F) determines continental climates, while in semi-continental climates amplitudes vary between 18 °C (32 °F) and 21 °C (38 °F)). Spring and fall are basically transitional seasons between summer and winter. The summers are much hotter than found further west on similar parallels in Europe and worldwide for the 46th parallel.

The Astrakhan Region is a multinational one. There are over one million inhabitants including Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars and Ukrainians. Besides there are over 100 less numerous nationalities in the Region.

The Region’s economic development and foreign economic activities are primarily determined by the geographic situation and natural resources.

Large deposits of oil and gas, silica clays, construction materials such as gypsum, lime-stone, clays, ceramzites, silica sands, etc. are found in the Astrakhan Region territory.

In terms of fish resources and seafood, Astrakhan ranks high among Russian regions. It is also the major producer of sturgeon and caviar.

The Astrakhan Region is one of the most industrialized regions in Russia. There are many enterprises here. The most important of them are shipyards, ship-repairing plants, paper mill the gas processing complex which is about 80 km to the North of the city. The Astrakhan gas-condensate field is the largest in Europe. The gas has a high condensate content and it is unique as for its hydrogen sulfide content.

Fishing industry is also well developed in our Region. Tinned fish famous delicious caviar, smoked and dried fish find many other fish products are produced at the fish processing plants.

Our Region is famous for its vegetables growing. The Astrakhan fresh tomatoes and water-melons are well-known for their taste while their tinned products are in great demand in our country.

Astrakhan is a city of high cultural level. Shaliapin and Sobinov were singing in its theatres. Famous Russian singers – Maksakova, Barsova, Petrov; Milashkina were born here. .Astrakhan had one of the first Russian universities which helped the development of scientific activities in the Region.

Nowadays Astrakhan is an educational centre. At present the education and training system is reoriented for the new situation in the social sphere. Specialized study groups arc formed and operate at schools and institutions of further education for training in the basics of entrepreneurship, business and management. In the vocational training system schools arc reorganized as Lyceums and polytechnic colleges. There are five institutions of higher learning, two affiliate, of such institutions, one affiliate of die Volgograd Academy of Management, , two non-state institutions of higher learning a 31 research institutes operating in the Astrakhan Region.

The Astrakhan Region is a promising area for tourism and recreation.

There are many places of interest in Astrakhan, for example, a wonderful Kremlin, an architectural monument of the 16-th century, a lot of churches, monastery and mosque ensembles, civic buildings with very interesting architectural designs. Five museums of various specializations (local nature, history and economy, historical, devoted to famous people) are located here.

The Astrakhan Kustodiev picture gallery is one of the oldest galleries in Russia. Now it has a unique collection which includes masterpieces by famous Russian artists, such as Levitan, Nesterov, Korovin, Rerikh, Serov and other famous painters. There is also a large collection of works by the "Russian avant-garde artists, such well-know names Kandinsky, Malevich and Shagal.

The Astrakhan Region has favourable conditions for rest and recreation.

It is necessary to mention the Astrakhan state bio-sphere preserve, located in the Volga River delta. It is a center of international environmental tourism and a major research, institution At present there are about 50 preserve zones in the Region protected hy the State, which are used от can be used for organizing bird-watching, fishing and hunting tours.




in terms of – с точки зрении

mountainous – гористый

temperate – умеренный

maritime – морской

harbor – гавань

yard – верфь

goods – товары

farming – сельское хозяйство, фермерское хозяйство

oats – овёс

barley – ячмень

temporal – временный

church – церковь

executive power – исполнительная власть

hereditary – наследственный

measure – мера

bill – законопроект, билль

to preside – председательствовать

Lord Chancellor – Лорд-канцлер

to alternate – чередоваться

to hold government office – быть у власти,

занимать правительственный пост

cross – крест

background – фон

anthem – гимн

constitutional monarchy конституционная монархия


to command a majority – обладать большинством


Exercise 2. Answer the following questions:

1.  What is the political name of the country?

2.What countries is it made of?

3.What is the capital of UK?

4.What is the area of UK?

5.What is the population of it?

6.Where is UK situated?

7.How is the country separated from the Continent?

8.What sea separates Great Britain from Ireland?

9.Where are the Cheviot Bills?

10. Which is the highest point in the British Isles?

11.Which is the longest river in England?

12.What can you say about the climate?

13.What natural resources are there in Britain?

14.Is Britain a highly developed industrial country?

15.What ports of Britain do you know?

16.What types of farming does Britain have?

17.What is Britain’s political system?

18.How many Houses does the British parliament consist of?

19.How many members of Parliament does the House of Commons consist of?

20.How is the Government formed?

21.What is made up hereditary?

22.What political parties are there in Britain?


Exercise 3 . Read the sentences and translate them into Russian. Comment on the use of Tenses and Voices:

1. Great Britain lies on the Atlantic coast of Western Europe.

2. It is separated from France by only 34 km of water.

3. The west of the island has a higher rainfall.

4. Britain has been many centuries in the making.

5. To become a law, a new bill must be approved by both houses of the Parliament.

6. Since 1945 Government in Britain has alternated between the Conservatives and Labour Party.

7. Before the United Kingdom was formed it took centuries.

8. Britain lives by industry and trade.

9. British manufactured goods are sent all over the world.

10. Over 200 years ago the first industrial revolution began in Britain.

11. The British people have also been known as superior, snobbish and unsociable.

12. Since 1945 there have been 27 British scientists who have received Nobel awards.


Exercise 4. Insert the missing words from the text:

1. The rivers ... ... into the North Sea.

2. The British Isles lie off the ... ... of Europe.

3. ... is the highest mountain in England.

4. The most important ... ... of England are iron and coal.

5. The largest shipbuilding ... are in Glasgow.

6. The House of Commons is presided over by ... ... .

7. ... ... is temporal head of the Church of England.

8. Today Britain is one of the great ... ... of the world.

9. The Severn is ... ... river in England.

10. The heavy ... of England are famous.


Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Соединенное Королевство состоит из четырех частей.

2. Северная Ирландия занимает северо-восточную часть острова Ирландии.

3. Английский Канал отделяет Соединенное Королевство от континентальной Европы.

4. Климат Великобритании умеренный. Зимы не холодные, а лето не жаркое.

5. Соединенное Королевство - высокоразвитая промышленная страна, которая производит и экспортирует различную продукцию.

6. Британия является конституционной монархией.

7. Соединенное Королевство управляется монархом (the sovereign) выборной Палатой Общин, а также наследственной Палатой Лордов.

8. Соединенное Королевство омывается Северным морем, Атлантическим океаном и теплым течением Гольфстрим.

9. Палата Общин - правящий орган Соединенного Королевства.

10. Исполнительская власть осуществляется Кабинетом министров.

11. Премьер-министр - лидер партии, которая имеет большинство в Палате Общин.

12. Страна расположена на Британских островах.

13. Британия богата углем, железом, медью, цинком и свинцом.

14. Самые крупные порты Британии: Ливерпуль, Лондон, Глазго.

15. Самые крупные города Британии: Лондон, Бирмингем, Кардиф, Манчестер, Дублин.

16. Самые известные университеты находятся в Кембридже и Оксфорде.

17. Шеффилд – крупнейший промышленный центр.

18. Члены Парламента избираются каждые пять лет.

19. Власть монарха ограничена Парламентом.

20. Британия – производитель и экспортер станков, электроники, текстиля.

21. Судостроение – главная отрасль промышленности.


Exercise 6. Read and translate the text “London”:


London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and commercial centre. It's one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. Its population is about 8 million.

London is one of the oldest and most interesting cities in the world.

Traditionally it's divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. They are very different from each other and seem to belong to different towns and epochs.

The heart of London is the City, its financial and business centre.

Numerous banks, offices and firms are situated there, including the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and the Old Bailey. Few people live here, but over a million people come to the City to work. There are some famous ancient buildings within the City. Perhaps the most striking of them is St Paul's Cathedral, the greatest of British churches. It was built in the 17th century by Sir Christopher Wren. The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror. It was used as a fortress, a royal palace and a prison. Now it's a museum.

Westminster is the historic, the governmental part of London.

Westminster Abbey has more historic associations than any other building in Britain. Nearly all English kings and queens have been crowned here. Many outstanding statesmen, scientists, writers, poets and painters are buried here: Newton, Darwin, Chaucer, Dickens, Tennyson, Kipling.

Across the road from Westminster Abbey is Westminster Palace, or the Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Parliament. The Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament is famous for its big hour bell, known as "Big Ben".

Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen.

The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. It's the symbol of wealth and luxury. The best hotels, shops, restaurants, clubs, and theatres are situated there. There are splendid houses and lovely gardens belonging to wealthy people.

Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. It was named in memory of Admiral Nelson's victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson's Column stands in the middle of the square.

On the north side of Trafalgar Square is the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery. Not far away is the British Museum - - the biggest museum in London. It contains a priceless collection of ancient manuscripts, coins, sculptures, etc, and is famous for its library.

The East End was once the poorest district of London — with lots of factories and docks, narrow streets and unimpressive buildings. Today, the district is changing very fast. There are huge offices and new blocks of flats in the East End.


the Bank of England - Английский банк

the Stock Exchange - Лондонская фондовая биржа

the Old Bailey - Центральный уголовный суд, находящийся в Олд-Бейли

St Paul's Cathedral - собор св. Павла (главный собор англиканской церкви)

Sir Christopher Wren - Кристофер Рен

the Tower of London - Лондонский Тауэр

Julius Caesar - Юлий Цезарь

William the Conqueror - Вильгельм Завоеватель, Вильгельм I (первый король из норманнов в Англии)

Westminster Abbey - Вестминстерское аббатство

Westminster Palace (the Houses of Parliament) Вестминстерский дворец (здание английского парламента)

Big Ben "Биг Бен", "Большой Бен" (колокол часов-курантов на здании парламента, бой

которых передается ежедневно как сигнал точного времени)

Buckingham Palace - Букингемский дворец (главная королевская резиденция в Лондоне)

Trafalgar Square - Трафальгарская площадь

Nelson's Column - колонна Нельсона (памятник адмиралу Нельсону)

the National Gallery - Национальная галерея (крупнейшее в Великобритании собрание


the National Portrait Gallery - Национальная портретная галерея

the British Museum - Британский музей (один из крупнейших в мире)

commercial - торговый

to belong - принадлежать

ancient - древний

striking - поразительный, замечательный

church - церковь

to found - основывать

to rebuild - перестраивать

fortress - крепость

royal - королевский

palace - дворец

prison - тюрьма

governmental - правительственный

association - ассоциация

to crown - короновать

outstanding - выдающийся

statesman - государственный деятель

to bury - хоронить

tower - башня

official residence - официальная резиденция

wealth - богатство

wealthy - богатый

luxury - роскошь

splendid - великолепный

in memory of - в память о

to contain - содержать

priceless - бесценный

manuscript - рукопись

coin - монета

to be famous for - быть знаменитым ..., славиться

narrow - узкий

unimpressive - невпечатляющий, невыразительный

huge - огромный


Exercise 7. Answer the following questions:

1. Is London the largest city in the world?

2. What's the population of London?

3. Traditionally London is divided into several parts. Can you name them?

4. What do you know about the City?

5. Who was St Paul's Cathedral built by?

6. Who founded the Tower of London? When was it rebuilt?

7. What is Westminster Abbey famous for?

8. Where does the British Parliament sit?

9. What is Big Ben?

10. Why was Trafalgar Square named so?

11. Why does Buckingham Palace attract so many tourists?

12. What are the most famous London museums and art galleries?


Exercise 8. Read and translate the following text:


due to - благодаря, вследствие

changeable - изменчивый, неустойчивый

nasty - мерзкий, противный

comparison - сравнение

mood - настроение

remark - замечание

to go abroad - поехать за границу

tendency - тенденция

damp - влажный, сырой

fire - камин

to look forward to - с нетерпением ждать

aspect - аспект, сторона

fog - туман

smog (smoke + fog) - смог

extremely - чрезвычайно

to spread - распространять(ся), расстилать(ся)

to creep - ползти, красться

accident - несчастный случай

frequent - частый

to lose way - заблудиться

to be run over by a car - попасть под машину

Exercise 9. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is the climate in Britain mild?

2. The weather in Britain is very changeable, isn't it?

3. What comparison do the British use when they want to describe a person whose mood and opinion changes very often?

4. How often does it rain in Britain?

5. The weather is the favorite conversational topic in England, isn't it? Do you find this topic of conversation interesting?

6. What is the best time of the year in Britain?

7. When do the British prefer to stay at home by the big fire?

8. How do the British spend their short British summer?

9. What do you know about London fogs?

10. What kind of weather do you like best of all?

11. Where do you get the weather forecast (прогноз погоды) from? Do you always believe it?

12. Which do you like better: when it's cold or hot?

13. What is the weather like today?

14. Do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow?

15. What is the weather like in Russia in winter (summer, autumn, spring)?

Lesson 6.The USA / США.

Exercise 1: Read and translate the text, learn the active vocabulary:


The USA is the third largest country in the world in population and it is the fourth largest country in area.

The USA, commonly called the US or simply America, lies in the central part of the North American continent with the Atlantic Ocean to the East, the Pacific to the West, Canada to the North and Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to the South. It also includes Alaska in the north and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. The USA covers an area of 3,618,780 square miles and has a population of more than 349,6 mln. Some parts of the country are crowded with people, while other areas are deserted.

The USA is so big that parts of it are in different time zones. The clocks go back one hour for each zone you cross going west. So when it is 9 a.m. in New York, it is only 6 a.m. in Los Angeles.

The USA has several different climatic regions. The coldest regions are in the north and north-east. The south has a subtropical climate. The climate of Alaska is arctic; the climate of the central part is continental. Hot winds blowing from the Gulf of Mexico often brings typhoons. The climate along the Pacific coast is much warmer than that of the Atlantic coast. Humidity is higher in the East than in the West. West coast winters are mild and rainy except in southern California, where they are mild but drier. In central and eastern regions the weather is very changeable in winter. It may rain in the morning and snow in the evening when the north wind begins blowing. Summer temperatures also vary from region to region. In many places in southern Arizona and California the average daily temperature is above 40 degrees Centigrade. Summers are very hot and humid on the eastern coast; they are dry and hot in most continental areas and cool along the western coast.

There are many valleys, hills and mountains in the country. The highest and the most important mountains are the Rockies in the west and the Appalachian Mountains in the east, the Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada. The highest peak is Mount McKinley which is located in Alaska.

The United States is a land of rivers and lakes. The northern state of Minnesota is the land of 1000 lakes. The longest rivers in the USA are the Mississippi with its tributories the Missouri and the Ohio, the Rio Grande and the Columbia. The Great Lakes on the border with Canada are the largest and the deepest in the USA. They are the Ontario, the Superior, the Erie, the Huron and the Michigan.

Grassland and scrub dominate the western part of the country, forest covers the eastern part.

The United States is rich in natural and mineral resources: coal, oil, iron ore, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, salt, gas, etc. It is a highly-developed industrial and agricultural coun­try. Farmers grow wheat, oats, cotton, tobacco, all kinds of ve­getables and fruit. The USA holds the leading position in the production of aircraft, ships, automobiles, machine-tools, farm and household machinery, electronic devices, textiles, armaments, furniture, paper industries and other goods.

The largest cities of the USA are: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San Francisco, and others. The national capital is Washington, D.C.

The USA is divided into 50 states and the District of Colum­bia, (the territory under the capital Washington), the seat of the national government.

It is important to recognize that political power in the United States can be viewed as consisting of three levels, each of them having executive, legislative and judicial branches.

First of all there is the Federal government which is located in Washington D.C. and consists of the President and the Congress and the Federal Court. These bodies create Federal legislation. Federal government is structured by the U.S.A. constitution ado­pted in 1787. According to this Constitution the legislative power belongs to the Congress which consists of the Senate and the Ho­use of Representatives. The Senate is composed of 100 members, two from each state who are elected for a term of six years. One thi­rd of the Senate is elected every two years.

The House of Representatives comprises 435 members elected for a two year term. The number of Representatives from each sta­te is determined by population, but every state must have at le­ast one Representative in the House. Both the Senators and Repre­sentatives must be residents of the state from which they are cho­sen. The presiding officer of the Senate is the Vice President. The House of Representatives is headed by the Speaker.

The work of preparing and considering legislation is done by Committees of both Houses of the Congress. There are 15 standing Committees in the Senate and 19 in the House of Representatives. The Congress assembles at least once a year.

The President may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses or either of them. The executive power belongs to the President of' the USA, he holds his office during the term of four years, together with the Vice President nominated with the President. The President is also the head of Cabinet - the executive body of the Government. The Cabinet is composed of the heads of the ten executive departments - the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Treasury, the Secretary of Defence and others.

The judicial branch of the Government is headed by the Suprene Court which settles disputes between states. The Supreme Court may veto any law passed by the Congress if it contradicts the Constitution of the USA.

The second level of government in the USA lies within the 50 states. Each state differs in terms of their legislature and the executive power which is held by the Governor of the state. Each state also has its own judicial system and has its own con­stitution. In addition each state has its own law enforcement agency such as the police.

The third level consists of the government of cities and towns and also the government of counties.

As the example of this tripartite division there are federal taxes, state taxes and local taxes in the USA. Also reflecting the three divisions there are elections in the US at the Federal level (for President and members of Congress), at the state level (for state officers) and at the local level there are elections for local officials (town, city and county) and sometimes voting for or against issues that affect the community.

Elections in the US are based primarily on a two-party system: Democrats and Republicans. From time to time other parties have appeared but rarely have they had a permanent influence in the political system.

The US national flag - Stars and Stripes - is red, white and blue. Thirteen stripes represent the original 13 states of the USA the 50 stars represent the current number of states.


valley – долина

tributory – приток реки

grassland – пастбище, сенокосное угодье

scrub – кустарник

oats – овёс

the legislative power – законодательная власть

the executive power – исполнительная власть

the judicial power – судебная власть

the Senate – Сенат

the House of Representatives – Палата Представителей

the presiding officer – председатель

standing committees – постоянные комитеты

to convene – созывать, собирать

to nominate – выставлять, предлагать кандидата на должность

to vote for (against) smth. (smb.) – голосовать за или против

to assemble – собираться

to vest – облекать властью, наделять правом

to veto a law – наложить вето на закон

to impeach the President – подвергнуть Президента импичменту

to settle a dispute between the states – решать спор между штатами

to contradict – противоречить

bill – законопроект, билль

a Justice – Судья

tripartite division – тройственное деление

Secretary of State – Государственный Секретарь

Secretary of Treasury – Министр Финансов

Secretary of Defence – Министр Обороны


Exercise 2. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is the United States of America situated?

2. What is the territory and population of the country?

3. What climatic zones are there in the USA?

4. What mountains in the USA do you know?

5. Why is the USA called a land of rivers and lakes?

6. What natural and mineral resources is the USA rich in?

7. How can you characterize the economy of the USA?

8. What are the largest cities of the USA?

9. How many states does the USA include?

10. How many branches are there in the government of the USA? Name them.

11. What does the Federal Government consist of? Where is it situated?

12. When was the USA Constitution adopted?

13. What is the legislative branch of the US government?

14. What do you know about the Senate and the House of Representatives?

15. Whom does the executive power belong to in the USA?

16. For how long is the President elected?

17. What is the “Cabinet”?

18. Does each state have its own legislative, executive power and judicial system?

19. What is the judicial branch and what is its job?

20. What does the US national flag represent?


Exercise 3. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:

The fourth largest country in area; are crowded with people; in different time zones; hot winds blowing from the Gulf of Mexico; the climate along the Pacific coast; west coast winters; mild and rainy except in southern California; very changeable in winter; to vary from region to region; the average daily temperature; cool along the western coast; on the border with Canada; the largest and the deepest in the USA; grassland and scrub; covers the eastern part; rich in natural and mineral resources; a highly-developed industrial and agricultural coun­try; to grow wheat, oats, cotton, tobacco, all kinds of ve­getables and fruit; to hold the leading position in the production of aircraft; household machinery; the armaments, furniture, paper industries and other goods; the seat of the national government; it is important to recognize; consisting of three levels; executive, legislative and judicial branches; to consist of the President and the Congress and the Federal Court; to create Federal legislation; to belong to the Congress which consists of the Senate and the Ho­use of Representatives; to comprise 435 members elected for a two year term; to have at le­ast one Representative in the House; the presiding officer of the Senate; the work of preparing and considering legislation; to assemble at least once a year; on extraordinary occasions; to convene both Houses or either of them; the executive body of the Government; the heads of the ten executive departments; to settle disputes between states; to veto any law passed by the Congress; law enforcement agency such as the police; the government of counties; as the example of the tripartite division; based primarily on a two-party system; from time to time; a permanent influence in the political system; to represent the current number of states.


Exercise 4. Read and translate the sentences into Russian. Comment on the use of Tenses and Voices:

1. Washington was built in the late eighteenth century especially as the center of the Government.

2. The USA became the world leading country at the beginning of the twentieth century.

3. Across the middle of the USA lies the prairie – a vast, flat, dry and windy area known as the Great Plains.

4. If you want to go from San Francisco to New York by train, you will ride more than three thousand miles.

5. Since 1872 the system of national parks has grown steadily.

6. Where Americans live and where they are moving also reveals how America has changed and is changing.

7. From its very beginning as a nation, the “population center of gravity” has been moving westwards.

8. The USA borders on Canada in the North and on Mexico in the South and has a sea-border with Russia.

9. By the beginning of the 18th century most of the lands on the Potomac had been taken up and peopled by some of the most aristocratic families of the South.

10. The President is elected every four years and cannot serve more than two terms.

11. The legislative power of the US is vested in the Congress of the USA.

12. The Congress was created by Article I of the Constitution, adopted in 1787.

13. A Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776.

14. The Justices are appointed for life.

15. A senator must be at least 30 years old, a citizen of the United States for nine years and live in the state she or he will represent.

16. A Representative must be at least 25 years old, a citizen for seven years and live in the state.

17. The President can veto a bill.

18. The House of Representatives can impeach the President.

19. The President must live in the USA for at least 14 years and be a civilian.

20. The Supreme Court may veto any law passed by the Congress if it contradicts the Constitution of the USA.

21. A Declaration of Independence said that Americans should be free from Britain.

22. The President must do his job according to the Constitution, or he may be impeached.

23. When the President receives a bill from the Congress, he must sign it and then bill becomes a law.

24. In Philadelphia, you can touch Liberty Bell, which was rung after the Declaration of Independence was read.



Exercise 5. Insert the missing words from the text:

1. The USA lies in the … part of the North American continent with the Atlantic Ocean to the East.

2. Some parts of the country are crowded … people, while … areas are deserted.

3. … is higher in the East than in the West.

4. In central and eastern regions the weather is very … in winter.

5. Summers are very hot and humid on the … coast.

6. The political power in the United States can be viewed as consisting of three …, each of them having executive, … and judicial branches.

7. One thi­rd of the Senate is elected every … years.

8. The Senators and Repre­sentatives must be …of the state from which they are cho­sen.

9. The President holds his office during the term of …years, together with the Vice President.

10. The Suprene Court which settles disputes between ….

11. Each state differs in terms of their legislature and the executive power which is held by the … of the state.

12. … … each state has its own law enforcement agency such as the police.


Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. США расположены в центральной части Северной Америки и омываются Тихим и Атлантическим океанами.

2. Самые высокие горы в Америке: Скалистые Горы, Кордильеры и Сьера-Невада, крупнейшие реки: Миссисипи, Миссури, Рио-Гранде.

3. США – высокоразвитая промышленная и аграрная страна с богатыми природными ресурсами.

4. США богаты полезными ископаемыми: углём, медью, железной рудой и нефтью.

5. США состоит из 50 штатов и независимого округа Колумбия.

6. Самые крупные города США: Нью-Йорк, Чикаго, Лос-Анджелес, Филадельфия, Детройт, Хьюстон.

7. Чикаго – один из крупнейших промышленных центров США. В нём находятся штаб-квартиры многих американских промышленных корпораций.

8. Законодательная власть США, или Конгресс, состоит из Палаты Представителей и Сената.

9. Исполнительная власть состоит из президента, вице-президента и кабинета министров.

10. Исполнительная власть претворяет в жизнь законы.

11. Президент, глава высшей исполнительной власти, избирается на 4 года и назначает членов кабинета.

12. Президент подписывает закон и может наложить на него вето.

13. Вице-президент является президентом Сената, а выборный Спикер – председатель Палаты Представителей.

14. Верховный суд решает спорные вопросы между штатами и может наложить вето на закон, если он противоречит Конституции.

15. Правительство штата во главе с губернатором занимается местными вопросами.


Exercise 7. Read and translate the text about Washington:


Washington is the capital of the United States of America. It's situated in the District of Columbia and is like no other city in the USA. It's the world's largest one-industry city. And that industry is government. The White House, where the US President lives and works, the Capitol, the home of the US Congress, and the Supreme Court, are all in Washington.

Washington was named after the first US President George Washington.

He selected the place for the capital and Pierre L'Enfant, a French engineer, designed the city.

Washington was first settled in 1790 and since 1800 it has been the federal capital.

Washington is one of the most beautiful and unusual cities in the United States. In the very centre of it rises the huge dome of the Capitol — a big white dome standing on a circle of pillars. The 535 members of the Congress meet here to discuss the nation's affairs. It's easy to get lost in this huge building, full of paintings and statues.

Not far from the Capitol is the Library of Congress, the largest library in the States. It contains more than 13 million books, more than 19 million manuscripts, including the personal papers of the US presidents.

The White House is the official residence of the US President. He works in the Oval Office.

One can hardly find a park, a square or an open area in Washington without a monument or a memorial. The most impressive and the best-known ones are the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.

There are some important museums in Washington where you can see all kinds of things: famous paintings and sculptures, the dresses of Presidents's wives, the original of the Declaration of Independence, the largest blue diamond in the world, etc.

There are 5 universities in Washington.

There are no skyscrapers in Washington, because they would hide the city's many monuments from view. No building in the city may be more than 40 metres tall.

Thousands of tourists visit Washington every day. People from all parts of the United States come to see their capital.



the White House – Белый Дом (резиденция президента США)

the Capitol – Капитолий (здание конгресса США)

the Supreme Court – Верховный суд

Pierree L'Enfant - Пьер Ланфан

the Library of Congress – Библиотека конгресса

Oval Office – Овальный кабинет (рабочий кабинет президента США)

the Lincoln Memorial – памятник Линкольну

the Washington Monument – обелиск в честь Джорджа Вашингтона

the Declaration of Independence – Декларация независимости (принята

4 июля 1776 года вторым континентальным конгрессом в период войны за независимость Северной Америки (1775—1783); провозглашала Отделение колоний от метрополии и образование самостоятельного государства — США)

to design – проектировать

to settle – поселять, заселять

huge – огромный, колоссальный

dome – купол

circle – круг

pillar – столб, колонна

to get lost – заблудиться

to contain – содержать

manuscript – рукопись

personal papers – личные бумаги

official residence – официальная резиденция

diamond – алмаз, бриллиант

skyscraper – небоскреб


Exercise 7. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is Washington situated?

2. Is Washington a typical American city?

3. It's the world's largest one-industry city, isn't it? What kind of industry is it?

4. What important government buildings are situated in Washington?

5. Where does the US president live and work?

6. Who selected the place for the capital of the USA?

7. Is there a monument to George Washington in the city?

8. When was Washington first settled?

9. Who designed the capital of the USA?

10. What places of interest in Washington do you know?

11. How many universities are there in Washington?

12. Why aren't there any skyscrapers in Washington?


Lesson 7 Canada / Канада

I. Pronounce the following words correctly:

1. diversity [dai′v{:siti] – разнообразие, многообразие

2. encompass [in′k[mp{s] – окружать, обносить

3. terrain [′terein] – территория, район, местность

4. pristine [′pristain] – первобытный

5. vista [′vist{ ] – просека

6. archipelago [a:ki′peligou] – архипелаг, группа островов

7. scorching [′skO:t∫ig] – палящий, сжигающий, уничтожающий

8. giant ['dZai{nt] – громадный, гигантский

9. roster [′roust{] – список, реестр

10. bountiful [′bauntiful] – обильный

11. asbestos [æz′bestOs] – асбест, горный лен

12. molybdenum [mO′libdin{m] – молибден

13. potash [′pOtæ∫] – поташ, углекислый калий


II. Read the text

Welcome to Canada

Canada is a magnificent land. The second largest country in the world after Russia it has an area of nearly 10 000 000 square kilometers (3 860 000 square miles). It takes 4 days to travel across Canada by car or train. Canada is so large that there are 6 time zones. Within its borders lies a diversity of life, landscape and climate that few countries can rival.

Canada encompasses territory from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the high Arctic to the northern border of the continental USA . Although very much a “northern” country, the terrain and geography of Canada is very diverse. As well as the popular image of Canada as a country of pristine forests and showy vistas, there are also deserts and badlands, temperate rain forests and long wide beaches. Canada has huge inland lakes, seemingly eternal prairies and evergreen forests, woodlands and meadows.

The country may be divided into a number of physiographic regions. A large interior basin centered on the Hudson Bay and covering nearly four fifths of the country is composed of the Canadian (Laurentian) Shield, the interior plains and the Great lakes – St. lawrance Lowlands. Rimming the basin are several mostly highland regions, notably the Arctic Archipelago, including the Innuitian Mountains, the Appalachians in the southeast and the Western or Canadian Cordillera in the west.

Canada is a northern country, but its climate varies dramatically. Winters can be long and cold? Summers often scorching. Ocean currents to east and west moderate these extremes; the southwest coast of British Columbia is labeled Canada’s “banana belt” for its year-round temperate climate. The country is divided into 10 provinces and 2 national territories each with its own capital city (in brackets).

In the east the four Maritime (Atlantic) provinces are Newfoundland (St. John’s); Nova Scotia (Halifax); New Brunswick (Fredericton) and Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown). Two of these provinces are islands. Quebec (Quebec City) and Ontario (Toronto) are Canada’s two largest provinces. They are in central Canada. Most of Canada’s French speaking people live in Quebec. More then one third of all the people in Canada live in Ontario. The three prairie provinces of western Canada are Manitoba (Winnipeg), Saskatchewan (Regina) and Alberta (Edmonton). The prairie land rises in three prairie levels. The land of prairies is lower in the east and higher in the west near the Rocky Mountains. Canada’s Pacific province is British Columbia (Victoria). It begins in the Rocky Mountains and continues west to the Pacific Ocean.

From the land comes a variety of riches. Forests – from the giants of the British Columbia coast to the extensive pine and fir forests that blanket the north – are the basis of thriving pulp and paper and lumber industries. The prairie provinces provide wheat and a growing roster of other crops. A bountiful harvest of fruits and vegetables is reaped from fertile farming districts across the country.

Under the earth’s surface is a storehouse of petroleum, natural gas, and minerals, its riches still uncounted. Canada is one of the world’s leading producers of nickel and zinc as well as silver, asbestos, uranium, molybdenum, potash and platinum.

Canada’s water resources are remarkable. Its lakes account for one half of the world’s fresh water, and oceans, lakes and rivers abound with a variety of life. Five of Canada’s rivers are among the world’s 40 largest. The St. Laurence River accounts for about two fifths of the country’s Atlantic runoff. The Mackenzie River provides about half of the Arctic runoff, while the Yukon and Fraser rivers together contribute almost 40 percent of the country’s discharge to the Pacific. The Nelson River is one of the several rivers supplying a sizable freshwater flow to the Hudson Bay. In additional to Lake Superior and lake Huron both of which are shared with the US, Canada’s Great Bear and Great Slave lakes are among the world’s 11 largest lakes. Highways of exploration for early settlement, complex river systems today transport the products of processing and manufacturing industries as well as provide hydroelectric power for domestic use and export.

Not least, the astonishing natural beauty of Canada – its mountains, lakes, plains, and the lure of its vast wilderness areas – attracts visitors from around the world.

III. Give Russian equivalents of the following expressions:

           Diversity of life; to rival; seemingly eternal prairies; to be composed of; to moderate; extremes; to label; variety of riches; to blanket; a storehouse; to account for; sizable; domestic use; astonishing beauty.

IV. Find in the text synonyms of words:

           Splendid; variety; large; to split up; significantly; moderate; wealth; to cover; considerable; surprising; deposits; manufactures; to be marked.

Geographically Isolated

New Zealand

New Zealand is isolated, geographically. It is about 2000 km southeast of Australia, across the Tasman Sea, its closest neighbours are: New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga. The capital city of New Zealand is Wellington, though most people are more familiar with Auckland, which is the largest city.

Building an Economy

Economically, New Zealand is now better off than in the 1970s and 1980s. Earlier, New Zealand exported a lot of meat and dairy products to Britain. When Britain joined the European Union in the 1970s, part of the deal was that Britain should import from the other EU countries. This was bad news economically for New Zealand.

Many people left New Zealand to settle in Australia, so political changes were made to help the situation. Now things look better. Agriculture continues to be the main export industry in New Zealand, and in 2007 a New Zealand dairy cooperative controlled almost one-third of the international dairy trade. Other export items of New Zealand are meat, wood, fruit and fish. New Zealand also has a good wine industry.



Tourism plays an important role in New Zealand’s economy. About two million tourists visit every year. New Zealand is marketed as a "clean, green" adventure playground, with typical destinations being nature areas such as Milford Sound and the Tongariro Alpine Crossing, while activities such as bungee jumping or whale watching are typical tourist attractions.


Fragile Wildlife

New Zealand has amazing nature and wildlife. However, the country has suffered a lot of wildlife extinctions. This is because of human activities like hunting and importing non-native animals, such as weasels, cats, goats and deer.

Several islands are now wildlife reserves, where common pests such as possums and rodents have been removed to allow the reintroduction of endangered species.

Additional Tasks

Find Out

1. New Zealanders are often called Kiwis. Search the Internet and find out why.

2. Today, Aotearoa (the land of the long white cloud) is the Maori name usually used for New Zealand. The Māori also referred to the North Island as Te Ika a Māui ("the fish of Māui") and the South Island as Te Waka a Maui (the canoe of Maui). The South island can also be called Te Wai Pounamu ("the waters of greenstone") or Te Waka o Aoraki ("the canoe of Aoraki"). Search the Internet and find the story behind one of these names.


Tourist Advertisement

Make a brochure or advertisement for New Zealand to lure tourists to these beautiful islands. Watch New Zealand a Dream. Base your information on what you can see in this video, or find your own information.



Watch the YouTube video in the introduction once more, and write a letter back home or an entry in a travel blog based on what this guy experiences. Find a suitable title and time span.

Lesson 9 Australia / Австралия


I. Read and translate the following words:

















Australia is a country in the southern hemisphere. It is made up of the Australian mainland, the island of Tasmania and many other smaller islands in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.



In 1606, Dutch explorers were the first Europeans who discovered Australia, but they did not settle there. Before this, for thousands of years, Australia was inhabited by the Aborigines. In 1770, the British claimed the eastern part of Australia. It was a useful place to send British convicts, instead of keeping them in prison in England. Gradually, other immigrants moved to Australia and the population grew. New South Wales was the first colony and five others were established in the 19th century. The six colonies joined together on January 1st 1901, to form the Commonwealth of Australia.


Australia Today

The population today is just over 21.7 million. The nation's capital city is Canberra. The other main cities are: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. 60% of the population live in and around these cities. Australia has a democratic political system and a high technology industry.

IV. Ask as many questions as possible to this text.

V. Tell what information have you known from this text.



Make 5 questions to this text then sit in pairs and take turns questioning and answering.


Use the map of Australia to find the names of the 6 states or territories.

Can you find the main cities on the map? Which state are they in?

This geography quiz is difficult but give it a try Australia - Map Game

Describe Australia’s flag (its colour and the objects in it)

Here are some verbs. Can you find the nouns in the text which match them?
(e.g. verb: explore, noun: explorers)
Verbs: inhabit, convict, imprison, immigrate, populate, colonise


Look at the two maps. They are both maps of Australia, but they are very different. Describe what they show you. Which one do you like best? Why?


Choose one of the cities. Find pictures on the internet and make a short presentation of the city.


Conclusion / Заключение


В первой части данных методических указаний представлены отдельные уроки, содержащие тексты общеобразовательной направленности, упражнения к ним, направленные на активизацию и закрепление терминологической лексики. Для закрепления навыков устной речи по общеобразовательным темам снабжены системой различных упражнений, разработанных авторами с учетом специфики курса, задания подобраны для различных уровней владения иностранным языком.

Вторая часть указаний рекомендована для самостоятельного обучения. Тексты для дополнительного чтения (Additional Reading) в третьей части служат для закрепления навыков перевода, расширения общенаучного кругозора студентов, а также носят воспитательный характер.

Работа с пособием предполагает аудиторные групповые занятия под руководством преподавателя, обязательную самостоятельную работу студента, выполняемую во внеаудиторное время, индивидуальную самостоятельную работу студента под руководством преподавателя.

Используемая литература:

1. Самаркина Н. Г. Охрана окружающей среды (на английском языке): Метод. разработка разговорной речи для студ. I-II курсов всех спец. — Астрахань: АГТУ, 1999. — 11 с.

2. Тажетдинова Н.С. Методическая разработка "The Astrakhan region". — Астрахань: АГТУ, 1999.

3. Филюшкина Л.Т., Фролова М.П. Сборник упражнений к учебнику английского языка авторов Н.А.Бонк, Н.А.Котий, Л.Г.Лукьяновой: Учебное пособие. – М.: Междунар. отношения. 1995. – 160 с.

4. Цветкова И. В., Клепальчецко И.А., Мыльцева Н.А. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК для школьников и ПОСТУПАЮЩИХ В ВУЗЫ УСТНЫЙ ЭКЗАМЕН ИЗДАНИЕ ПЯТОЕ Авторы и составители: Цветкова И. В., Клепальчецко И.А., Мыльцева Н.А. МОСКВА ГЛОССА-ПРЕСС 2004

5. Vince M. Macmillan English Grammar in Context. With CD ROM. Macmillan Publishers Limited. Oxford. 2012.

6. http://www.australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/natural-disasters

7. http://www.newzealand.com/int/feature/new-zealand-geography-and-geology/





Институт Морских технологий, энергетики и транспорта

Кафедра «Иностранные языки в инженерно-техническом образовании»




Общеобразовательные темы

Методические указания

для студентов 1 курсов

 всех направлений и институтов





Автор: старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки в инженерно-техническом образовании» Айналиева А.Р.

старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки в инженерно-техническом образовании» Кочегарова Н.А..



Рецензент: старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки в инженерно - техническом образовании» Тулепбергенова Д.Ю.



Методические указания предназначены для слушателей программы бакалавриата 1 курса всех технических направлений. Целью данных методических указаний является создание универсального сборника текстов для совершенствования навыков чтения, перевода, говорения, письма у студентов-бакалавров. В методических указаниях предлагаются обязательные общеобразовательные темы в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС3+ по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»: About myself, Our university, The Russian Federation, The Astrakhan region, English-speaking countries (the UK, the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia), Environmental protection, а также дополнительные тексты для чтения.

Данные методические указания содержат языковой материал, включающий аутентичные, научно-популярные тексты, отражающие главные проблемы сегодняшнего дня и рассчитанные на развитие коммуникативных навыков общения по общеразговорным темам, а также дополнительные тексты для самостоятельного изучения.


Представленные методические указания могут использоваться как для аудиторной, так и внеаудиторной работы студентов.




Пособие одобрено и утверждено на заседании кафедры «ИЯИТО» от

«25» марта 2016 г., протокол № 7



© Астраханский государственный технический университет



Introduction                                     Lesson 1. About myself Lesson 2. Our university Lesson 3. The Russian Federation Lesson 4. The Astrakhan region Lesson 5. The UK Lesson 6 The USA Lesson 7 Canada Lesson 8 New Zealand Lesson 9 Australia Lesson 10 Environmental protection Заключение Используемая литература:                           4 5 13 18 23 29 38 47 50 52 54 59 60





Методические указания предназначены для слушателей программы бакалавриата 1 курса всех технических направлений. Целью данных методических указаний является создание универсального сборника текстов для совершенствования навыков чтения, перевода, говорения, письма у студентов-бакалавров.

Данные методические указания предназначены для чтения и развития элементарных навыков устной речи, чтения и перевода текстов на английском языке. Он включает в себя 10 уроков (lessons). Каждый урок сопровождается словарём с незнакомыми выражениями и словами, который подлежит активизации, а также комплексом упражнений, направленных на закрепление и проверку нового лексического материала, овладение навыками перевода и развития устной речи, упражнениями, которые предназначены для самостоятельной работы и тексты для чтения из различных источников в сокращённом, но не в адаптированном варианте без нарушения особенностей стиля языка научно-публицистической статьи.

Представленные методические указания могут быть использованы слушателями программы бакалавриата, как для аудиторной, так и для внеаудиторной работы.


Lesson 1. About myself / Знакомство


Exercise 1: Read and translate the text, learn the active vocabulary:

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 284.