- https://youtu.be/1w4VAQRpREQ
‘We agree’: Moscow reacts to Trump’s tweet blaming US ‘stupidity’ for worsening US-Russia ties
- https://www.rt.com/news/433359-russia-reacts-trump-tweet/
What do Russians want from Trump? Peace, musicians & cheap beer…
- https://youtu.be/o5PY0moZwHs
CrossTalk Bullhorns: Summit Sequel (Extended version)
- https://youtu.be/OoTPiNUSu24
'Putin gave Trump bugged football ...possibly': Mainstream media scoops again
- https://www.rt.com/news/434336-putin-trump-bugged-football/
‘Important verbal agreements’ made at Trump-Putin summit – Russian ambassador to US
- https://www.rt.com/news/433625-important-verbal-trump-putin/
‘Important verbal agreements’ made like the verbal agreements made to Gorbachev...
What did NATO promise Gorbachev?
- https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2014/11/06/did-nato-promise-not-to-enlarge-gorbachev-says-no/
- https://blog.realinstitutoelcano.org/en/global-spectator-nato-promise-gorbachev/
Did the West Break Its Promise to Moscow? - http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/nato-s-eastward-expansion-did-the-west-break-its-promise-to-moscow-a-663315.html
Trump: No, Russia isn't targeting US - https://www.rt.com/usa/433628-russia-target-us-no/
‘A game-changer’: World Cup corrected people’s perception of Russia – chief organizer - https://www.rt.com/sport/433295-world-cup-loc-alexey-sorokin/
‘Russian streets were symbol of friendship during World Cup’ – Putin - https://www.rt.com/sport/433629-russian-streets-symbol-friendship-putin/
Biden, not Bernie for president? CNN’s ‘definitive’ 2020 presidential list ridiculed on social media - https://www.rt.com/usa/433789-cnn-2020-sanders-biden/
Poll: Russia one of the least important issues for Americans
- https://youtu.be/4AoAHc64KTA
Pompeo grilled in Senate over Trump-Putin meeting
- https://youtu.be/Hqfg4476Q6A
'Kremlin agent' denied bail: US court accuses Butina of trading sex for influence
- https://youtu.be/_IPdmb3XPJc
CrossTalk: #MariaButina
- https://youtu.be/54lB5upemT4
Putin army on US visas? Russian woman charged as Kremlin agent
- https://youtu.be/9qfUuVX0SjY
White House: Trump invites Putin to Washington this fall
- https://youtu.be/BAahC7csdaI
Putin-Trump summit: Backstage
- https://youtu.be/9ykbxCc-JAA
Trump has fight ahead after summit, says former diplomat - https://youtu.be/SlzxrqO155I
Facebook categorizes thousands of Russians as ‘interested in treason’
- https://youtu.be/_UV8OvZsraw
'It's not photoshop': US journo trolled over finding photo of 'Butina' in Oval Office
- https://youtu.be/d1N7vXHhWdY
Putin-Trump summit two: Trump's invitation to visit passed to Putin, US 'elite' in uproar
- https://youtu.be/bRwe00jegUw
Trutin? TIME magazine morphs leaders' faces into one
- https://youtu.be/w0nfZfYhsi0
Keiser Report: Ruble crisis 4yrs on (E1257)
- https://youtu.be/3ixFkUfirFo
US wasted $15.5bn of taxpayer money in Afghanistan – govt watchdog
- https://www.rt.com/usa/434473-us-money-wasted-afghanistan/
Year without war: Mosul people living among rubble & dead bodies
- https://youtu.be/NQ6dft-p8IE
Possible provocations? Reports claim White Helmets are evacuating from Syria
- https://youtu.be/9mGRxWv-15U
Outrage as troops of US ally Cameroon caught killing women & children in ‘despicable’ VIDEO
- https://www.rt.com/news/434432-cameroon-army-executions-boko-haram/
‘America undermines Afghan sovereignty’: US General withdraws statement on Taliban talks
- https://youtu.be/bbDxyG-wSJ8
‘Only time in history where ally bombs its ally’: Imran Khan on US & Pakistan relations (EXCLUSIVE)
- https://youtu.be/qYJ2TWXjZrU
'This is Iraq': Rapper decries US legacy in Iraq in bitter parody of Childish Gambino
- https://youtu.be/2gH5i-W4xmI
‘US govt is fearful of its citizenry & can’t represent it’ – John McAfee
- https://www.rt.com/usa/434427-john-mcafee-surveillance-government/
Keiser Report: American Labor Shortage (E1255)
- https://youtu.be/B48CA172UvY
US strategy against Iran may lead to lose-lose scenario for everyone - https://www.rt.com/news/434486-us-iran-lose-scenario/
Дата: 2018-09-13, просмотров: 577.