В пояснениях по каждой паре указать использованное время и залог
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой



1. The researchers had discovered several new types of materials.

2. What department do you study at the University?

3. My office is being decorated at the moment.


4. I have already written the programme.

5. They won't test this device.

6. Experiments have been made by the students successfully.

7. The alloys were experimented upon in the laboratory.

8. The part is measured with great accuracy.

9. The construction of this television centre will have been completed by the end of the next year.

10. Einstein presented his theory of relativity in 1905.



a. What is being done about inflation?

b. They had finished testing before the boss came in.

c. How are these machines made?

d. A cure for cancer hasn't been found yet.

e. The plan was changed by the engineer.

f. Einstein got his first job when he was 21.

g. 0ur workshop will have been equipped with new machine tools by the time when the reconstruction of the plant is over.

h. He will make a report next week.

i. Have you ever been to London?

j. The Earth turns round the Sun.


Упражнение 5.

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сказуемое с модальным глаголом или с эквивалентом модального глагола.

1. They must have referred to the figures above.

2. These machines should be handled with great care.

3. Old machinery is to be replaced next month.

4. The students were unable to do the work without their teacher's help. He had to help them.

5. We could have driven to the city in two hours if we hadn't stopped for lunch.


Упражнение 6.

Выберите правильный вариант и переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. Should he come here, I ______ to him.

A will speak

B spoke

C would have spoken

2. If you ______ the doctor’s advice, you wouldn’t have fallen ill.

A had taken

B took

C will take


3. I ______ do the work today, I have plenty of time.

A have not

B need not

C cannot

4. What ______ he do for a living?

A does

B is

C are

5. They ______ started selling the product in Hungary next year.

A going to

B are going

C are going to



Вариант №3

Переведите письменно текст на русский язык.



Today when we consider design we no longer think just about attractive things but about their attractive use, their meaning. And meaning is alive: it moves and changes with the times.

In the eighties design developed into the mere aesthetics of appearance. Objects were like computer graphics. They consisted solely of infinitesimally thin surfaces. These objects boasted with their owners.

Now a new quality of substance has come on the scene: virtuality. Things used to be simpler. Substance was material. To take an example, a brief history of the modern era can be gleaned from looking at the design of knobs on equipment. In the sixties pressing a knob on a radio set meant exerting physical force against mechanical resistance. For the first time something like a feeling of tenderness for machines appeared in the form of smooth, scalable knobs. In the eighties control knobs became sentimental replicas of real knobs. They were flat, tiny and soft. Now, in the nineties, we mainly operate virtual knobs, like the buttons beneath the glass skin of computer screens.

We are closer to things, especially machines, than ever before and at the same time more distant than ever. Remoteness is the sentiment of the times. We experience nearness as reality, of course; but it is cast in a peculiar paleness. It is not the senses that liberate us but dreams. We have a new aesthetics of appearance (virtuality). This new aesthetics transforms the worthlessness of superficiality into a central value. On the computer screen superficiality is all there is. It is the essence.

Today status is no longer conferred by the mere possession of things but by the way things are used. In an information society status and self-assurance are not derived from clothing or the power of computers but from the efficiency with


which one can navigate and make oneself be understood in a sea of information: communication, in a nutshell. In the nineties work as such has also become a status symbol.

Aesthetics now follows the development of shapes that allow people to live leisurely in a fast-moving world.

Our Western culture suffers from a lack of mystery. The creation of virtual reality has brought some of that mystery back. The unknown has returned. And it is not imaginary. This unknown consists of the absolute opposite of mystery, namely information.



Упражнение 1.

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 333.