· содержание высказывания - 2 б.
· организация высказывания (структура, логичность, использование средств логической связи) - 2 б.
· лексика (использование изученной лексики по теме) - 2 б.
· грамматика - 2 б.
· произношение - 2 б.
Список вопросов к заданию №1 – монологическое высказывание
You are going to give a talk about your best friend.
You should say:
- What people need friends for
- How long you and your friend have known each other
- What kind of person he/she is
- What you enjoy doing together
Describe a person who is important to you.
You should say:
- Who he/she is
- What kind of person he/she is
- Why you have chosen to speak about him/her
Tell about a place you would like to visit.
You should say:
- The name of the place and where it is
- What kind of place it is
- What things you would do there
4. You are going to give a talk about travelling.
You should say:
- Why modern people travel so much
- What tourists usually do while travelling
- What places in your region you recommend people should visit
You are going to give a talk about your career plans.
You should say:
- What job you want to do in the future
- What subjects you think are the most important for your future job and why
- What the job priorities for you are
You are going to give a talk about your career choice.
You should say:
- What jobs in your opinion will be popular in the future and why
- Why you have chosen to study for this job
- What subjects are important for your future job
You are going to give a talk about learning foreign languages.
You should say:
- Why lots of people learn foreign languages
- What you do to improve your English
- What aspects of English are the most difficult for you
You are going to give a talk about foreign languages.
You should say:
- Why so many people learn foreign languages
- How people can improve their language skills
- What foreign language you would like to learn and why
You are going to give a talk about a memorable advert.
You should say:
- What product it advertises, its slogan and logo
- Why you have chosen to describe it
- If you would recommend the product it advertises
You are going to give a talk about advertising.
You should say:
- What different ways of advertising are
- If there are adverts you particularly like or dislike
- What makes an advert a good one in your opinion
You are going to give a talk about a famous person who made a successful career.
You should say:
- When and where he/she lived/lives, what area of business he/she was/is involved in
- What personal qualities helped him/her to achieve the goal
- What in your opinion helps people to succeed in life
You are going to give some advice on starting a business.
You should say:
- What area of business it is preferable to choose
- What business plan is and what information should be included there
- What problems can arise
You are going to give a talk about a machine or electronic device you would like to buy
You should say:
- What design and special features it would have
- How you would use this thing
- Why you would like to have it.
You are going to give a talk about a logo that you think is effective.
You should say:
- What brand or company the logo is used for
- What the logo looks like
- What makes the logo effective
You are going to give a talk about your first day at university.
You should say:
- What happened on the first day
- What the course was
- How you felt at the end of the day
You are going to give a talk about a science lesson that you had at university (e.g. mathematics, physics, etc.).
You should say:
- When and where you attended this lesson
- Who the teacher was
- What you learned
You are going to give a talk about an invention that changed people’s life.
You should say:
- What it is
- How it changed people’s life
- What benefits it brought
You are going to give a talk about a building or construction that impressed you.
You should say:
- Where it is
- What it looks like
- Why it impressed you.
Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 542.