Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на значение модальных глаголов:
1. You may go there, I don’t mind. 2. You can walk there, it is quite near. 3. You cannot go there: you don’t know the address. 4. You need not go there: I can ring them up. 5. You must not go there: it’s dangerous. 6. You should go there: they are waiting for you. 7. Will you be able to speak to him tomorrow? 8. I could not remember the address, and I had to ring up my friend. 9. I shall have to stay at home these days. 10. I was allowed to stay at home. 11. You will not have to wait for him. 12. We decided that everybody was to take part in the concert. 13. The text was easy. I was able to translate it. 14. I was to learn this poem by Wednesday. 15. He was allowed to use this device. 16. They were to meet at the station. 17. The lift was out of order and we had to walk up. 18. Must I do this work today? – No, you needn’t. You can do it tomorrow.
Упражнение 2. Выполните следующие задания, используя глагол can или его эквивалент в соответствующем времени.
a) Tell what you can / can’t do / would like to be able to do. Use the prompts below.
play the guitar, play the piano, sing well, dance, play football, play tennis, ski, skate, speak French, speak Spanish, ride a bike, drive a car, …
b) Ask your partner what he/she can/can’t do.
cook, swim, speak three languages, stand on one’s (your) head, write with one’s left hand, write backwards (в обратном направлении), get up early in the morning, play an unusual instrument, use a video or DVD player, write computer programs, send text/MMS messages, drive a car, ride a bike
c) Tell what you could do when you were smaller. Ask your partner if he could do it too.
- When I was … years old, I could …. Could you?
- Yes, I could./ No, I couldn’t. And I … / But I ….
d) Tell what you were able to do/ couldn’t do when you:
§ took part in a (swimming/ …) competition
§ were asked at the lesson
§ took the examination on mathematics/ physics/ …
§ were abroad/ in …
§ went to the forest/ …
e) Tell what you will be able to do when you:
§ learn English
§ graduate from the university
§ get your first salary
§ you are 30 years old
Упражнение 3. Выполните следующие задания, используя глагол must или его эквивалент в соответствующем времени.
a) You are planning your travel to another city/country. Tell what you must do.
Example: buy a ticket, find a hotel, …
b) Are there any rules you have to obey (подчиняться) at university?
§ show one’s student’s book when you come into the university
§ switch off the mobile phone at lessons
§ take notes at lectures
§ dress tidy (аккуратный, опрятный) if you go to the university
§ attend all classes
§ pass credit tests on time
§ …
Упражнение 4. Просмотрите заметки Майка о правилах поведения в офисе, где он работает, и заполните предложения, используя has to , doesn ’ t have to , can , can ’ t .
Office rules
Hours are 9a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
But OK to go home at 4 p.m. on Wednesday.
One hour for lunch (but any time between 12 and 3).
No smoking, eating or drinking in the office.
Don’t make personal calls.
But personal emails from my computer are OK.
Don’t use my mobile phone in the office.
Wear a suit and a tie, but informal clothes OK on Friday.
Mike has to start work at nine o’clock.
1 He _______ smoke in the office.
2 He _______ have more than one hour for lunch.
3 He _______ work after 4 p.m. on Wednesday.
4 If he wants, he _______ have lunch at two o’clock.
5 Mike _______ wear a suit to work from Monday to Thursday.
6 He _______ make personal phone calls.
7 He _______ use his mobile phone in the office.
8 He _______ wear a suit on Fridays.
9 He _______ send personal emails from his computer.
Упражнение 5. Просмотри информацию для студентов и перепиши пронумерованные предложения, используя can , can ’ t , may not , / mustn ’ t , have to , don ’ t have to / needn ’ t . Используйте все возможные варианты.
don’t (doesn’t) have to / needn’t – it isn’t necessary to do smth
can’t / mustn’t / may not – you are not allowed
Example: Don’t park in the teachers’ car park.
Students can’t/ may not/ mustn’t park in the teachers’ car park.
Brindsley College
1 Don’t smoke in the college building.
2 (Smoking is possible in the garden.)
3 Don’t bring food or drinks into the classrooms.
4 (It is possible to get coffee and tea in the college café.)
5 Show an identify card when you come into the college.
6 Don’t use mobile phones during the lessons.
7 Using the computers in the library is possible in the evenings.
8 (It isn’t necessary to pay to use the computers.)
9 Bring a pen and some paper to lessons.
10 (But it isn’t necessary to bring a dictionary.)
Упражнение 6. Изучи данные ниже примеры, обрати внимание на особенности выражения долженствования в английском языке.
must – it is necessary to do sth
(говорящий сам так решил)
I must stop smoking . (I think so)
have to – it is necessary to do sth
(правило, предписание, кто-то другой принял это решение)
I have to wear a uniform at work. (regulation)
should – it is necessary to do sth
(= it’s a good idea)
You should be more careful. (advice)
Modal Verb + not
mustn’t – it is forbidden/ you are not allowed
You mustn’t play football inside the house. ( запрет )
Don’t/doesn’t have to
= needn’t – it isn’t necessary to do sth
You don’t have to/ needn’t wear a uniform to work.
(It is not necessary but you can if you want)
shoudn’t – it will be better if you don’t do it
You shouldn’t go there. (It’s a bad idea)
Упражнение 7. Перепиши предложения, используя should ( n ’ t ), can (‘ t ) или ( don ’ t ) have to :
It’s a good idea to join a gym if you want to get fit.
You should join a gym if you want to get fit.
1 In the UK it is necessary to wear seatbelts (ремень безопасности) in the back of a car. – In the UK you …
2 It’s possible for me to do my homework while I watch TV. – I …
3 It’s a good idea to go to Germany to improve your German. – You …
4 It’s necessary to show your students card to get a reduction (скидка). – You …
5 It’s not necessary to drive me to the airport. I’ll get a taxi. – You …
6 It’s not a good idea to drink coffee just before you go to bed. – You …
7 It’s not possible for me to finish this report today. – I …
8 It’s a good idea to buy our tickets earlier. – We …
9 It isn’t necessary to pay for children . – You …
10 She needs to do her exam again. – She …
11 Is it possible for me to go home now? – … I … home now?
12 Is it necessary to read this book? – Do we … ?
13 Is it necessary for me to leave? – … I … leave?
Упражнение 8. Изучи данные ниже примеры, обрати внимание на особенности выражения предположения в английском языке.
1 She could/ may/ might finish her work by 6 o’clock. = It is possible (it is likely/perhaps) she will finish her work by 6 o’clock. (positive)
2 She must be on holiday. = I’m sure she is on holiday. (positive)
3 She can’t be working. = I’m sure she isn’t working. (negative)
Упражнение 9. Переведите предложения и ответьте на вопросы:
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 384.