Упражнение 1. Образуйте множественное число от следующих существительных:
1. wife 2. stepmother 3. father-in-law 4. photo 5. safe 6. workbook 7. sister-in-law | 8. dictionary 9. teapot 10. mouse 11. brush 12. potato 13. parking space 14. watch |
Упражнение 2. Употреби глагол to be в форме is или are в зависимости от подлежащего.
1 Be careful. The scissors _____ very sharp.
2 Physics ______ John’s favourite subject.
3 The police ______ investigating the crime.
4 These trousers _____ too big for me.
5 The stairs in my house _____ made of wood.
6 His new furniture _____ very modern.
7 My advice _____ that you get a new job.
8 His new clothes _____ very fashionable.
9 Our team _____ the best.
10 The team _____ all training hard for Saturday’s match.
11 The money in the box _____ for this week’s shopping.
12 My luggage _____ in the car already.
13 Your hair _____ very long again.
14 The group ______ all working on a project together.
15 Athletics _____ my favourite sport.
16 My shoes _____ too small for me now.
17 The phenomena investigated in this laboratory _____ very interesting.
18 No news ______ good news.
19 Knowledge _____ power.
20 The United States _____ the fourth largest country in the world.
Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие словосочетания, обращая особое внимание на существительные в притяжательном падеже:
1 my sister’s name
2 his friend’s son
3 this student’s exercise-book
4 these engineers’ letters
5 our students’ marks
6 those men’s work
7 his children’s names
8 James’s book
9 Alex’s room
10 Bess’s teacher
11 Mary Brown’s children
12 the work of this engineer
13 the centre of the city
Упражнение 2. a) Прочтите информацию о семье Смитов и заполните пробелы в генеалогическом древе.
Debra is Raymond’s wife.
Robert is Raymond’s brother.
Marie and Frank are Raymond and Robert’s parents.
Ally is Raymond and Debra’s daughter.
Geoffrey and Michael are Raymond and Debra’s sons.
Robert is Ally’s uncle.
Marie = Frank
(1) _________ = Raymond (2) _________
(3) _________ (4) _________ Michael
b ) Заполните пробелы в предложениях, используя информацию из первой части.
1 Ally is Michael’s __________.
2 Michael is __________ brother.
3 Debra is __________ sister-in-law.
4 Raymond is Debra’s _________.
5 Ally is Robert’s __________.
6 Ally, Geoffrey and Michael are Debra’s _________.
7 Michael is Robert’s __________.
8 Marie is ___________ mother-in law.
9 ___________ is Debra’s father-in-law.
10 ___________ is Ally’s father.
Упражнение 3. Используя данные ниже подсказки, составьте предложения.
Jack / Hilary / husband
Jack is Hilary’s husband
1 Stefan / Ana / brother
2 Georgio and Sophia / Mario / parents
3 Clara / Mr and Mrs Moreno / daughter
4 Vanessa / Dieter / sister
5 Alexander and Elena / Manu / children
6 Victor and Serge / Halyna / sons
7 Stephanie / Pierre / niece
Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык.
1. Комната моего друга. 2. Комната моих друзей. 3. Книги моего брата. 4. Книги моих братьев. 5. Работа этого студента. 6. Оценки этих студентов. 7. Сестра миссис Сименс (Mrs Simens). 8. Подруга Мэри. 9. Письмо Петра Ивановича.
Упражнение 1. Употребите соответствующее личное местоимение.
1. I have a good friend. I often visit _____ .
2. I want to read. Please give _____ this book.
3. I have a dog. I walk with _____ .
4. I have a small sister. I play with _____ .
5. The teacher asks ______ and we answer.
6. He has friends in other towns. He writes ______ letters.
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 385.