VOCABULARY EXTENSION: Choose several words from the text. Use a dictionary or Google’s search field (or another search engine) to build up more associations / collocations with each word
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

2. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find more information on the Triumph International eco-bra. Share your findings with your class at the next lesson. Did you all find out similar things?


3. LETTER: Write a letter to the boss of a clothing company or fashion house. Tell him / her about your ideas for eco-clothes. Show what you wrote to your classmates at the next lesson. Did you all write about similar things?



Unit II

Topics:     1. The HS Convention

The Istanbul Convention

Grammar revision: English verb tenses

Text 1

The HS Convention

The International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS Convention) was adopted in 1983 and came into force in 1988. The HS multipurpose goods nomenclature is used as the basis for customs tariffs and for the compilation of international trade statistics. It comprises about 5000 commodity groups, each identified by a six digit code arranged in a legal and logical structure with well-defined rules to achieve uniform classification. The HS is also used for many other purposes involving trade policy, rules of origin, monitoring of controlled goods, internal taxes, freight tariffs, transport statistics, quota controls, price monitoring, compilation of national accounts, and economic research and analysis.

The Nomenclature governed by the Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, commonly known as "HS Nomenclature", is an international multipurpose nomenclature which was elaborated under the auspices of the World Customs Organization (WCO). At present there are 138 Contracting Parties to this Convention, however, it is applied by more than 200 administrations worldwide, mostly to set up their national customs tariff and for the collection of economic statistical data. The European Union and its member states together represent a block of 28 Contracting Parties to the aforementioned Convention.

The HS Nomenclature comprises about 5,000 commodity groups which are identified by a 6-digit code and arranged according to a legal and logical structure based on fixed rules. The Combined Nomenclature of the European Union (EU) integrates the HS Nomenclature and comprises additional 8-digit subdivisions and legal notes specifically created to address the needs of the Community.

The official interpretation of the HS which provides for its uniform interpretation worldwide is ensured by the HS Committee which comprises representatives from the Contracting Parties to the HS Convention. Other administrations, international organizations, international commerce and industry are represented as observers.

The HS Convention provides for two types of decisions taken by the HS Committee:

1. Decisions which amend the Convention including its nomenclature (procedure under Article 16) and

2. Decisions which "manage or interpret" the Convention and which normally take the form of classification decisions, Explanatory Notes or Classification opinions (procedure under Article 8.

In both cases, the EU and its member states, together, dispose of a single vote only. The Contracting Parties may lodge a "reservation" against both types of decisions. A "reservation" against an amendment of the Convention (Article 16 procedure) annuls the decision that was taken. On the other hand, the legal effect of a "reservation" in the framework of an Article 8 procedure of the Convention is limited to a suspension of the decision which has to be re-examined at a later meeting of the Committee. In practice, this simply means that the definitive decision is delayed by 6 to 12 months.

Generally, the amendments to the HS Convention become binding for all Contracting Parties two years after they are notified by the Secretary General of the WCO. However, the decisions concerning the management and interpretation of the Convention are generally deemed to have been accepted by all Contracting Parties two months after the decision by the HS Committee.




a. Read the headline and the first sentence of each paragraph of the text. Pair up to discuss the  topic of the article.

b. Read the first paragraph and the last paragraph of the text. Then work in pairs to discuss the contents of the piece.

c. Read the text. Get into pairs to discuss the contents of the piece.



a. While scanning the text find the answers for content-specific questions given by the teacher.

b. While scanning the text pick out the sentences containing the key words given by the teacher.


Ex.3. READING: Read and translate the text “HS Convention“.


Ex.4. CHAT: Talk in pairs or groups about the “HS Convention”.


Ex.5. HS Convention Brainstorm: Spend one minute writing down all the words you associate with the topic ‘HS Convention’. Share your results with your partner / group and talk about them.


Ex.6. DEBATES: Students face each other in pairs and engage in the following debates. The subject is “The importance of the HS Convention”.


Ex.7. VOCABULARY EXTENSION: Choose the words from the text. Use a dictionary or Google’s search field (or another search engine) to build up more associations / collocations with each word.


Ex.8. TRUE / FALSE: Look through the article and say whether these sentences are true or false:


a. The International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity

Description and Coding System (HS Convention) was adopted in 1983 and came into force in 1988. T / F

b. The HS multipurpose goods nomenclature is used as the additional instrument for customs tariffs and for the compilation of international trade statistics. T/F

c. The HS is also used for many other purposes involving trade policy, rules of origin, monitoring of controlled goods, internal taxes, freight tariffs, transport statistics, quota controls, price monitoring, compilation of national accounts, and economic research and analysis. T/F

d. The European Union and its member states together represent a block of 280 Contracting Parties to the aforementioned Convention. T/F

e. The Combined Nomenclature of the European Union (EU) integrates the HS Nomenclature and comprises additional 8-digit subdivisions and legal notes specifically created to address the needs of the Community. T/F

f.  The HS Convention provides for four types of decisions taken by the HS Committee. T/F

g. The Contracting Parties may lodge a "reservation" against both types of decisions. T/F

h. In practice, this simply means that the definitive decision is delayed by 3 to 10 months. T/F

i. Generally, the amendments to the HS Convention become binding for all Contracting Parties two years after they are notified by the Secretary General of the WCO. T/F


Ex.9. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find more information on the Convention. Share your findings with your class.


Ex.10. LETTER: Write a letter to the WCO executive explaining your views on the matter described.


Ex.11. PUBLIC POLICY: You are the leader of your country. Create a list of rules and instructions on additional measures assisting the Convention execution in your country.

Text 2

The Istanbul Convention

Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 520.