Making use of Banners, Hoardings and Pamphlets
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Banners, hoardings and pamphlets can also be good advertising ideas for marketing any kind of products. Pamphlets can be self made, by including all the detailed information of your products, whereas, banners would be made by others for you. Banners and hoardings cost much more than pamphlets.


Reading Comprehension

I. Find English equivalents of the following words and phrases:

привлечь внимание, нацелиться на потенциального покупателя, размещать рекламу продукта, оплачивать услуги, реклама на радио, рекламный джингл, увеличить продажи, снимать рекламный ролик, заполучить широкую аудиторию, знаменитости, рекламировать, воспроизводить рекламу в эфире, реклама в интернете, растяжки, рекламные щиты, брошюры.

II. Fill the gaps with the words from the previous exercise.

a. To … your sales turnover you can place your ads on television or on the Internet.

b. Advertising helps to … the attention of … buyers.

c. … advertising should be placed on the most popular websites.

d. Ad … are the best way advertising on the radio.

e. … can be self made by including all the detailed information of your products.

III. Answer the following questions. Explain your answers.

a. What kind of advertising is the most effective? Why?

b. What is the best way of advertising on the radio?

c. What are the advantages of television advertising?

d. How to make internet advertising more successful?

e. What are the advantages of using banners, hoardings and pamphlets?

IV. Complete the chart with the information from the text and your own ideas.

Advantages Disadvantages
Newspaper Advertising    
Radio Advertising    
Television Advertising    
Banners, Hoardings and Pamphlets    

VI. Make a summary of the text.

VII. Did you know…? A 30- second TV advert during the American Superbowl costs more than $2 million!

Lexical Exercises

I. Decide with your partner if the following statements are true or false.

1. In the UK an advertisement is often called a ‘spot’.

2. There are no advertisements on BBC TV and radio.

3. There are three recognised abbreviations of

‘advertisement’: ‘advert’, ‘ad’ and ‘adv’.

4. A ‘commercial’ is an alternative word for an advertisement on television or radio.

II. Underline the stressed syllable in the following words.

ad ver tise ad ver ti sing

ad vert     ad ver tised

ad ver tise ment

III. Fill the gaps below with the words from II.

1. Do you think that............................ is a form of art? Why (not)?

2. How much does it cost to a newspaper, on the radio or on TV in your country?

3. Tobacco ......................... in the UK is banned on television and radio and in magazines

and newspapers. Is it banned in your country? Do you think it should be? Why (not)?

4. Do you think that tobacco, cigarettes etc. should be ............................ near schools?

5. What are the funniest three ......................... you have ever seen?

6. What factors do you think make a good .............................?

IV. Ask your partner the questions in III.

Lesson 2.Advertising Techniques

Warm Up

I. Discuss the following questions with your partner.

1. What is your favourite advert at the moment? Why do you like it so much?

2. Have you ever bought anything just because you saw it advertised on TV?

3. What famous advertising slogans can you remember? Why are they so memorable?

4. What is the aim of most adverts these days – to persuade you to buy the product, to inform you about a new product or to remind you about a well-known product? Give examples.

5. Do you think there are too many advertisements on TV? How many do you think there should be?

6. Which adverts annoy you the most and why?

7. What influences you the most when you are shopping: the price of a product, its appearance or the advertising promoting it?

8. How much do you think children are influenced by adverts they see on television?


II. Debate the following statement.

Having a good product is not as important as having an eye-catching logo and a memorable slogan or catchy jingle.


Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 572.