Main part
Patient E., 67 years old, was urgently referred by a general practitioner
hospital with complaints of suffocation, chest tightness, dry cough.
Anamnesis: over the past 15 years, suffering from hypertension,
not systematically treated. The above complaints first appeared suddenly at night
during sleep.
Objectively: a serious condition. Orthopnea position, diffuse pallor of cutaneous
integument with cyanosis of lips, acrocyanosis. Hoarse breathing, NPV - 40 per minute. In easy
all fields have wet rales of various sizes. Pulse - 120 beats per minute, rhythmic,
tense. HELL - 180/120 mm RT. Art. The left border of cardiac dullness is laterally shifted
2 cm. Heart sounds are difficult to hear due to wheezing in the lungs. The liver is not
palpable, no edema. The body temperature is normal.
Presented ECG (speed 25 mm / s):
1. Assume the most likely diagnosis.
2. What are the abnormalities visible on the ECG presented, and
formulate an ECG conclusion.
3. What syndrome is leading in the clinical picture of this disease?
4. Among which emergency conditions is it necessary to carry out a differential
5. With the introduction of which drugs should begin the relief of this emergency
Situational task 142 [K001982]
Main part
Patient K., 50 years old, turned to the local GP in connection with the first
arising heart attack, accompanied by muscle tremors, weakness,
slight breathing difficulties. The attack occurred about 2 hours ago with a strong
emotional stress. Earlier, with regular medical examination, no diseases
it was not detected, blood pressure was always within normal limits. On previously taken ECG without
pathological changes. Very significant physical activity tolerates
On examination: clear consciousness. Integuments of usual coloring and humidity. IN
easy vesicular breathing, NPV - 18 per minute. Relative cardiac
dullness within normal limits. Heart sounds are arrhythmic, no noise, heart rate - 144 beats per
minute, pulse - 108 per minute. HELL - 130/80 mm RT. Art. The liver is not enlarged.
Peripheral edema is absent. Body temperature 36.9 ° C.
Prescribed ECG lead II (speed 25 mm / s):
1. Assume the most likely diagnosis.
2. What are the abnormalities visible on the ECG presented, and
formulate an ECG conclusion.
3. What syndrome is leading in the clinical picture of this disease?
4. Among which similar states is a differential
5. With the introduction of which drugs should begin the relief of this emergency
Situational task 143 [K001983]
Main part
A 75-year-old patient at the reception by a local GP general complains of
dizziness, sometimes with short-term loss of consciousness, frequent
during the last month. In addition, there is shortness of breath with minor
physical activity and swelling on the legs, which also appeared about a month ago and in
subsequently intensified.
Anamnesis: he considers himself ill for about 10 years, when the first appeared compressive
pain in the heart and shortness of breath when walking up to 200 m, the pain is effectively stopped
Nitroglycerin. A year ago, an attack of unconsciousness first occurred during
several minutes, accompanied by involuntary urination. At the last
month similar attacks became more frequent, there was an increase in blood pressure.
Objectively: clear consciousness. Pronounced cyanosis of the lips, the border of the relative
cardiac dullness of the heart is shifted to the left by 2 cm. Heart sounds are deaf, rhythmic.
At times, a loud (cannon) I tone is heard. Heart rate - 34 beats per minute. HELL -
180/100 mmHg Art. In lungs, harsh breathing, no wheezing. The liver protrudes from under
edge of the arch is 5 cm, its edge is dense, sensitive to palpation. Symmetrical
swelling on the legs to the upper third of the legs.
Presented ECG (speed 25 mm / s):
1. Assume the most likely diagnosis.
2. What are the abnormalities visible on the ECG presented, and
formulate an ECG conclusion.
3. What syndrome is leading in the clinical picture of this disease?
4. Among which similar states is a differential
5. What is the method of stopping this emergency condition, manifested
fainting is the most effective?
Situational task 144 [K001984]
Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 282.