Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Exercise 5.15. Find Infinitives in the sentences below and compare the functions they perform by translating the sentences:

1) They use special round wire to remove the pulp. 2) Their task is to make restorations and prostheses. 3) To perform this procedure they use a special dental spoon. 4) They use modern plastic and metal materials to make false teeth. 5) The dental surgeon has spent most of his time to open gum and give anaesthesia. 6) Nowadays the procedure to whiten teeth is very popular. 7) They don’t know the way how to use this product. 8) There is no way to predict which patient will develop this problem. 9) To reduce gum irritation while whitening a person should wipe away the excess whitening gel. 10) To prevent dental caries dentists recommend to use fluoride tooth-pastes. 11) To prevent a disease is much easier than to treat it.

Exercise 5.16. Pick out the Infinitives and translate them. Define their functions:

1) He likes to study Dentistry and dental procedures. 2) Here is the diet to be prescribed in your case. 3) We entered the Medical University to continue the medical education. 4) To sterilize surgical instruments is the nurse’s duty. 5) I will try to finish the first half of my report tonight. 6) This patient must be operated on immediately. 7) We study Medical English to translate articles in medicine in the original. 8) I am glad to help my sick friend. 9) My friend was the first to pass examination in Anatomy. 10) To study Medical English is necessary for doctors. 11) The article to read is very important for me. 12) I entered the Medical University to become a dentist. 13) Dr. Petrov asked his colleague to consult the patient. 14) He began to study Dentistry last year. 15) To prevent dental diseases is our main task. 16) Vitamin A has the power to improve vision. 17) It took Mary a long time to recover from her illness. 18) Our professor told us to prepare the report by the end of this semester. 19) She must be on a strict diet every day to be strong and healthy. 20) To perform different stomatological operations requires skills and experience.

Exercise 5.17. Pick out the Gerunds and translate them. Define their functions:

1) I have known of his having done this research. 2) I got new facts by reading this article. 3) He is fond of reading medical journals. 4) They stayed in town because of their son being ill. 5) My friend stopped me from going there. 6) She always complains of feeling bad. 7) The cold weather prevented us from going for a walk. 8) The doctor insisted on sending the sick man to hospital.

Exercise 5.18. Find the gerundial constructions in the following sentences and translate them into Russian:

It’s worth reading. – Стоит прочитать.

I can’t help saying. – Я не могу не сказать.

It’s no use asking. – Бесполезно спрашивать.

I don’t mind going. – Я не возражаю пойти.

1) You’ve decided to operate on this patient. Do you think it’s worth risking? 2) I think this book is worth reading whether you agree with the author or not. 3) I couldn’t help laughing when I saw him. 4) I can’t help feeling sorry for that woman. 5) It’s no use continuing the treatment. It won’t help. 6) It’s no use repeating the same thing again and again. He won’t listen to you. 7) He doesn’t mind performing the operation himself. 8) I don’t mind working at night.

Exercise 5.19. Determine functions of the Gerunds in the sentences below. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1) The doctor insisted on removing this lump. 2) Performing an operation requires skill and experience. 3) I am glad to see you. I remember meeting you at the last conference. 4) I prefer doing everything myself. 5) He is thinking of changing his job. 6) Preventing a disease is better than treating it. 7) We succeeded in obtaining all necessary data. 8) I don’t like the idea of our staying in town in summer. 9) The doctor uses the patient’s own words for describing his complaints. 10) You can find out what is wrong with him by making the necessary laboratory analyses. 11) Thank you for helping me. 12) She can’t help paying attention to it. 13) It’s no use continuing the talk. 14) He was afraid of being given an injection. 15) The article is worth publishing.

Exercise 5.20. Underline the correct form (Infinitive or Gerund).

They expect you (to work / working) hard all year. (Example)

1) We decided (to go / going) into town in the afternoon. 2) Katya enjoys (to write / writing) poetry. 3) They seem (to be / being) very kind. 4) He enjoys (to cycle / cycling) at the weekend. 5) We hope (to see / seeing) you again soon. 6) I can't imagine your mum (to get / getting) angry. 7) His parents agreed (to let / letting) him stay out late. 8) Boris should stop (to smoke / smoking). 9) He wants (to buy /buying) a new computer game. 10) Olga practices (to play /playing) the piano every day. 11) Would you mind (to pay /paying) for my lunch? 11) Please avoid (to make / making) silly mistakes in this exercise. 12) It is not worth (to worry / worrying) about. 13) I suggested (to go / going) out for a walk.


Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 497.